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by crazycynthia

Well, after many doubting it looks like i finaly did it. My attempt at cdh glory. Goth cheerleader costume. Messed up my makeup a little (much) not my best dressup session but hope you gals like it. A bit different from the normal cdh tea.


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Cynthia Winters

About me? Well, that’s quite the novel, which is funny, because I’m a writer *giggle*. I grew up in a tiny town in the north of the Netherlands. My first time in a dress was around age 6, when my sister dressed me up and put makeup on me. My parents were furious. “What would the neighbors think? Act normal!” Because people are supposed to be “normal”, am I right? XD. When I was 18, I moved out and into a tiny student room in the middle of the Netherlands. Don’t get me wrong, I have great parents… from a distance! The tiny room was great; it had a mattress and… that was it, actually. I barely had any money, so I went to thrift stores for essentials. They had something called a “goodwill box,” which was kind of a mystery box, and the money went to homeless charities. I saw some plates and cutlery in it, so it seemed like a good buy! When I got home, I found it also had a pair of fancy heels in a big size. I always heard people complaining that walking in heels is hard, so, with no TV, I made my own entertainment and tried them on. And damn, they felt so good! I looked amazing, and within a few hours, I was pretty competent. After a hard day, I’d sometimes put them on for comfort. When I was 19, I bought my first dress, and I think I was 21 or 22 when I made my first horrible attempts at makeup. I looked more like Marilyn Manson than Marilyn Monroe! XD Around that time, I met my life partner, but I kept it all a secret. I always hid a few things in the attic or on top of a tall closet because my GF is pretty small. After a rough day, I’d dress up with no one around, until last year. We bought a new house, and with more room, I started dressing more often. I work from home a lot, so I can work all dolled up! Then, one day, I came home, and my girl was sitting on the couch looking mad. She’d found my stash and demanded to know whose clothes they were, thinking I was having an affair. Oddly, that helped, because the truth actually made me the *less* bad guy! Since then, I've had the freedom to be myself, and I’ve been dressing more and more. I’m here to meet nice people and maybe find some support along the way. <3

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    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    Cynthia, if you wanted to make a splash with your debut photo, you certainly succeeded!
    Let’s just start off with the fact that this is a wonderful feminine presentation. But it’s also a really fun and creative look! A Goth cheerleader! How great is that? From Vampire High School, I’m assuming.
    This is such a fun photo. It makes me want to see more from you.
    Welcome to the Photo Club!

    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    Welcome to the photo pages Cynthia the Goth Cheerleader! Cute debut picture! 🥰

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