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by suziep

This was a fun re-do of a memory for me, a memory of an outfit I wore years ago on a night out to a club. It was during SCC in Atlanta, and must have been back before 2000. I went to the conference several times and had a fantastic time. On this particular evening, the official "Night Out" thing, was a music place in town, and it sounded like that could be fun. I had never been to a club, or a bar or anything like that in girl mode, but since there would be busses bringing people back and forth, and several of the girls I knew were going, it felt like a safe thing to do. I actually thought that it was a music place booked by the convention just for us, but boy was I wrong! The outfit I actually put together back then was this style, but different items. The boots were actually these, but it was a short black leather skirt and a white top with a black short jacket. Overall though, it looked much like this. When I walked into the place, I realized this was a normal evening at this music place with lots of "civilians" present, and ... a lot of these were bikers with their biker chicks! Wow! Not what I expected at all, and a little scary at first, to be honest. The band playing was Hank Williams Jr, so that should have been a clue, but I didn't know that when we left the hotel. After a while a couple of us decided to go back to the hotel, so we went outside to wait for the bus. A biker couple came over to chat and I was not quite sure how that would go. It ended up being one of the most fun and interesting interactions of the whole event for me! They could not have been more accepting and nice and we had a great time until the bus came. The Biker Chick absolutely loved my outfit which was a great feeling. So as usual, don't judge a book by it's cover!


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Suzie Petersen

I have been dressing like a girl and later as a woman since childhood. Over the years, I have been out and about as a female many times, but I took a 15+ year long hiatus for relationship reasons. Sometime in the summer of 2024, my wife of 40+ years suddenly changed her mind about my dressing and now completely accept my dual persona, even to the point of participation. Since that happened, I have been out again a fair bit, exploring the world through my rose colored glasses. I like to dress smart, but realistic. I go for the complete experience with shape, hair, makeup etc, but can just as well be seen in jeans and a simple top as in a pretty dress and high heels. I was born in 1959, you do the math, but I feel and present more like I was from 1979.

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    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    I love this book! And the Look! My first CD/Trans event was at The Atlanta Confort Conference this past August. 4 days enfem and loved it! 🥰

    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    KOWA BUNGA! What a book! Very lovely cover.

    Sophie Devine
    Active Member
    2 months ago

    SEXY looking lady …. lovely x

    Jennifer Connolly
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    You look so beautiful Suzie in all your photos. I love the captions that you have, because I am so happy to read your adventures that go with the photo. I definitely believe you are right when you say never judge a book by its cover. I believe that even now more than ever people really don’t care what others do. It’s just media hype to divide us.

    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    You’re right that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. But if the cover is absolutely gorgeous, I don’t mind pointing that out.

    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    You look very pretty Susie. I was just at the 2024 SCC in Atlanta in August. Not sure if I’m going to make it in 2025. But I’m going to try.I had a wonderful time and the hotel was very nice.Love, Janice.

    Sophia Taylor
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    Suzie, you look amazing!

    Trusted Member
    2 months ago

    Beautiful look!!

    Nikki Summers
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    I’m glad you had a great experience that night. I really love your outfit. One of my favourites is tights and boots. You look fab. 💕

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