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by theapat

Dear Lovely CDH Ladies, I’m so happy to announce a ‘birthday’, an anniversary. On August 31, Thea Patrick celebrated her 1st year as a member of CDH. It truly is amazing how ‘baby steps’ can significantly add up to miles. Your confidence, your courage, and your continued encouragement has transformed this ‘young’, naive, and sniffly nosed freshman, into a sophomoric ‘wise fool’. Your personal stories, the forum, your opinions/polls, your photos, the private groups, and The Featured Members along with your bio’s, have taken this timid and shy woman from her ‘closet’, from a covid-mask wearer, to a woman who is somewhat more confident while 'en femme' when entering and making purchases in a strip mall shop or sitting and enjoying a cocktail in a restaurant pub and beer garden. I have registered and participated in TransWeek 2023. I have posted photos on CDH and have received the loveliest and most encouraging comments from YOU. I’ve a long way to go in order to achieve my bucket list of dreams and goals. But without you, I’d still be slipping, stumbling, falling and failing ‘at my vanity'. YOU Girls of CDH have picked me up, dusted me off, opened my door, and supported me in ways you may or may never understand. THANK YOU. Additionally , I wish to THANK the hierarchy of CDH, all the ladies behind the scenes, in what you do, and in the ways I’ll never know or understand. Thank You to all you who make this site not only what it has done for me, but what is has done for you. Who knows where you and Thea will be at in September of 2025? One thing I’m sure of, it will not be without you! Sincerely, I Love You All, Thea Patrick


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Thea Patrick

...a new member but an "old" (in years) member....nevertheless, a youthfully excited participant.It first started 5 years ago, ....nylons, then yoga pants, panties, heels. Before I knew it, I was researching the correct method to apply nail polish and had purchased two dresses and a bikini on-line (Bikini? I was going to Florida and I thought, Hum, if I could only find a secluded beach...and I did!. The day I had ordered the wig was the day I knew I was 'all in'., It took quite a period of trial and error to totally understand 'my size'. I must say that building the foundation (shape wear), acquiring the accessories, and the artistry needed in applying make-up (from primer and foundation to magnetic/glue-on lashes has been quite the challenge but a ton of fun.

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    Stephanie Ann
    Active Member
    18 days ago

    Love that cute dress on you , perfect fit , your Color , Amazing, Style Classy Elegant Feminine

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