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by scarlett398

I guess you could tell I was in pretty good shape when this picture was taken just over two years ago. This picture, like many of my photos, is quite busy. Up on the box where my TeamGee electric skateboard is store happens to be Hedwig. She’s a snowy owl with snowy-white feathers and amber eyes. She’s much prettier than I am! That electric skateboard of mine has a top speed of 26 miles per hour. When you are going that speed on the board, it feels like you’re going 110 miles an hour in that Honda sports car of mine with both windows rolled all the way down. I’m wearing a Victoria’s Secret white bodysuit and some black and white floral gym leggings. The running shoes are Nikes as you can easily see. I’m in our dining room and the china cabinet behind me is full of china which has been in our family for many many years. Thanks for checking out this photo girlfriends. Sincerely, Scarlett ❤️💋


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I love the thrill of cross dressing and based on the CDH girls' comments in response to my posted photos, I must be pretty good at exploring the feminine side of myself. I find it sexy, sensual, exciting, challenging, and ever changing. I'm so very blessed now to have as much money as I want to spend on Scarlett and can now, for the very first time in fifteen years, actually purchase dresses, tops, and skirts while shopping with my wife! I never thought that would ever come to fruition! I can now store all of Scarlett's things in our huge dream home when just a short period of time ago, it would all have to be kept in a temperature controlled storage unit. I love Crossdresser Heaven and know it's the classiest and most tasteful cross dressing site on line. All the girls are full of support and encouragement and if folks come to the site with alternative motives which aren't in line with our founder’s rules and regulations, they are quickly deleted from our site. Vanessa Law, our founder, keeps this site classy at all times. She has much help from her Ambassadors, Chat Room Monitors, Photo Monitors, Article Editors, and many more personnel to keep this site classy, encouraging, and supportive.
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Fran LaRosa
Famed Member
1 month ago

Excuse me Ma’am but I’ll have to ticket you for speeding while Gorgeous! 🥰

Angela Wagner
Managing Ambassador
Famed Member
1 month ago

Scarlett, this photo might be an oldie, but it’s still a goodie.
And you’re still a beauty!

Angela Wagner
Managing Ambassador
Famed Member
1 month ago
Reply to  Angela Wagner

And I just noticed that this photo has been selected as one of the featured photos for the day. Congratulations, Scarlett!

Thea Patrick
Noble Member
1 month ago

Dear Scarlett,
It’s near 23 degrees F and ‘feels like’ -3 where I live, but your photo and smile warm my heart.
Wonderful to see you again and Happy New Year.
Sincerely and With Love,

Famed Member
1 month ago

Super pretty, Ms Scarlett!

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