in Party Time
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Tonya Johnson

The photos are all from the dinner party I attended in Vancouver this past week including my first ever make over. It was great and I loved the pampering. The profile pic was taken on the drive back to town the next day to meet my Cis girlfriends for happy hour in our favourite p...
With some sisters from the CrossDressers International (CDI) group before the Saturday Gala. The lady in front seated second from the left in the silver skirt is my good friend Allison Davis, CDI’s president.
My last imprt, £12.50 from China, couldnT read the instructions. Hope it’s the right way round.
The first night going out at FF28. I so want to go back again to PARTY PARTY PARTY!!
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We are excited to launch the Crossdresser Heaven store. A collaboration between Crossdresser Heaven and four leading retail providers serving the crossdresser and transgender community.
Meet the featured members for this week. Click their profile photo and send them a note to say hi!
All your makeup and skincare questions answered by professional makeup consultants.
Transgender Heaven is an inclusive, welcoming and safe place to discuss topics related to gender transition. MTF, FTM, friends and family members are welcome!
As we move into the new year we look forward to growing our community and giving more people a safe, supportive and welcoming place to be themselves.
Please share Crossdresser Heaven with your friends and others who may benefit from our community.
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With love and gratitude.
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And looking that Fabulous you should girl! 🥰
Thanks again Fran.
❤️ Tonya
I love your close-ups, Tonya. You don’t just look beautiful — but that bright smile really lights up the photo pages!
Thanks Angela. I’m still working on my smile. 😁
❤️ Tonya
I think your smile looks fantastic in this photo.
Which may help to explain why this photo was selected as one of the featured photos for the day. Congratulations, Tonya!
Thanks so much Angela.
❤️ Tonya
Dear Tonya,
Grab my arm, because I’m with you. You look GREAT!
Sincerely and With Love,
Thanks Thea.
❤️ Tonya
Very lovely look for an outing.
Thanks Linda.
❤️ Tonya