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by yestothedress

Pink dress and pink fog. Tried for a softer, daytime look re: the makeup.



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On-and-off CDing since early teens. Long stretches without any urges but here in my advanced middle age Mona has emerged in force. She's a high-spirited gal who shall no longer be denied. It's both thrilling and a bit intimidating because I don't know where she's planning to take me. Although I only get to dress every now and then, I'm having great fun and just enjoying the ride. I'm happy to have found this welcoming and supportive community and hope to get more involved as time allows.
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Thea Patrick
Noble Member
1 month ago

Dear Mona,
It’s amazing what a ‘softer’ lipstick will do.
Always fabulous, always sexy, always enviable.
Love and Hugs,

Dee Frost
Active Member
1 month ago

Mona, every time I look at your photo posts, I always have the same first thought: your smile just starts everything off in the right direction. How could we not love everything else about your photos? Let me add that I fell out over Fran’s label “The Pink Lady of the Fog.” I am going to see your photo and chuckle to myself every time that I read a post involving “the Pink Fog.” Think about it. You have just been declared a living icon here at CDH!!! Thank you for continuing to be a faithful contributor to our community,… Read more »

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