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We are excited to launch the Crossdresser Heaven store. A collaboration between Crossdresser Heaven and four leading retail providers serving the crossdresser and transgender community.
Meet the featured members for this week. Click their profile photo and send them a note to say hi!
All your makeup and skincare questions answered by professional makeup consultants.
Transgender Heaven is an inclusive, welcoming and safe place to discuss topics related to gender transition. MTF, FTM, friends and family members are welcome!
As we move into the new year we look forward to growing our community and giving more people a safe, supportive and welcoming place to be themselves.
Please share Crossdresser Heaven with your friends and others who may benefit from our community.
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With love and gratitude.
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Congratulations Dee! We are mighty proud of you, dear Sister! 🥰
Congratulations, Dee on being selected as a featured photo of the day! 🥰
Fran, I just don’t know how you manage. You are usually first to post on EVERYTHING! You are amazing!
That all sounds so wonderful in your Bio. Congratulations Dianna M Haggerty (Dee) of Alabama. Where were you when I could have picked your brain before I had my gender affirming surgery which I chose getting shallow depth vulvoplasty. I am so happy for you also that your wife is so supportive towards you. You go girlfriend. You look happy and free spirited. Peace & Love, Janice.
So the other clue was in your bio statement? Because I saw that as more of the answer than a clue.
Dee, I’ve already expressed my positive thoughts to you in a private message. So I’ll just say this.
Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, Ms. Dianna Haggerty! We’re very happy to have you as a member of our community!
Lovely photo Dee! Congratulations on your VERY affirming decision to identify authentically! I can relate. It feels incredible to push aside the curtains! Hugs, Liz
I am delighted that I no longer need to be concerned with the pseudonym. I have rather enjoyed my family name. There is now no reason to be cautious about it.
Congratulations Dee! Love your bio! And thank you for helping others throughout your life! Now to the picture of that beautiful lady-You look a bit mischievous, but as nice as you look, I think it’s totally fine. But I will be keeping my eye on you, just to make sure no shenanigan’s take place! Love the nail color and gorgeous earring!
Well! Thank you for noticing the earrings. Those were a Christmas gift to my wife, Angela, along with the matching necklace. This was my first opportunity to get my hands on them!
Congratulations Dee, thanks for sharing such wonderful news.
@Dee I’m so glad for you! What fabulous news! I hope you find the happiness and liberation you’ve been seeking 🙂
Yes, Melodee, every day that I wake up is a liberation.There really is little holding me back in my social transition. Just trying to message the politics with the kids’ in-laws.
Dear Doctor Dee,
Here I was, contemplating HRT, and there YOU GO, POSTING A BEAUTIFUL PHOTO of yourself. It was your BIO which made me RESPOND.
Sincerely and With Love,