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by dianna

For the clue that is (well, its only 1 of 2 clues). OK, my dear friends, enough of that. The bio brief and the name drop in the photo tell the tale. I am no longer a hidden soul. The pseudonym is gone, and I am who I am! I cannot thank all of you, my dear family here, for all of your love and support through the past few years. Love y'all! Dee


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Note to my friends: Previously I had been known here by my pseudonym Dee Frost. Moving forward through transition I am now using my given/professional name Dianna M. Haggerty. Y'all still know me as Dee! Originally born a Yankee, I have lived, taught medicine, and practiced medicine in 7 cities each with over a million population. I own all those t-shirts! In my academic life, I had been Chairman and Family Medicine Residency Program Director training family physicians for comprehensive medical practice. I was an early entrant into the academic world teaching physicians how to treat and care for gender-related health issues. After coming to my senses (well, actually it was my much wiser, very Southern wife who “decided” such), I gave that up and I am now enjoying my life in small town, rural Alabama. Here, I practice full time as a real “old-timey” cradle-to-grave family physician. Professionally, I have been providing hormone therapy to both FTM and MTF patients for 38+ years, in both the University and private practice worlds. Presently I am currently in MTF transition, having been on hormone therapy for the past 3.5 years and am also undergoing gender affirming surgery, yes- as a senior adult. My transition plans are set, supported fully by my wife, and grudgingly accepted by my kids.

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    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    Congratulations Dee! We are mighty proud of you, dear Sister! 🥰

    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    1 month ago
    Reply to  Fran LaRosa

    Congratulations, Dee on being selected as a featured photo of the day! 🥰

    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    That all sounds so wonderful in your Bio. Congratulations Dianna M Haggerty (Dee) of Alabama. Where were you when I could have picked your brain before I had my gender affirming surgery which I chose getting shallow depth vulvoplasty. I am so happy for you also that your wife is so supportive towards you. You go girlfriend. You look happy and free spirited. Peace & Love, Janice.

    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    So the other clue was in your bio statement? Because I saw that as more of the answer than a clue.
    Dee, I’ve already expressed my positive thoughts to you in a private message. So I’ll just say this.
    Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, Ms. Dianna Haggerty! We’re very happy to have you as a member of our community!

    Liz K
    Managing Ambassador
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    Lovely photo Dee! Congratulations on your VERY affirming decision to identify authentically! I can relate. It feels incredible to push aside the curtains! Hugs, Liz

    Michelle Wayne
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    Congratulations Dee! Love your bio! And thank you for helping others throughout your life! Now to the picture of that beautiful lady-You look a bit mischievous, but as nice as you look, I think it’s totally fine. But I will be keeping my eye on you, just to make sure no shenanigan’s take place! Love the nail color and gorgeous earring!

    Roberta Broussard
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    Congratulations Dee, thanks for sharing such wonderful news.

    Managing Ambassador
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    I’m so glad for you! What fabulous news! I hope you find the happiness and liberation you’ve been seeking 🙂

    Thea Patrick
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    Dear Doctor Dee,
    Here I was, contemplating HRT, and there YOU GO, POSTING A BEAUTIFUL PHOTO of yourself. It was your BIO which made me RESPOND.
    Sincerely and With Love,

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