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by rjoyous

Since I was a little girl, my family always took me to an Oktoberfest. I now keep that tradition in my heart and traded my lederhosen for a Dirndl. I am so very happy! Prost!


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Rachael Joyous

Here, let's update this Bio to something more current. I started my journey at young age by crossdressing and feeling girly mostly in the closet and hiding my feelings since I was 12. After 57 years of living my life from the Blueprint that society has determined I follow, I broke free of all expectations, divorced, and started to finally discover who I really am. I looked deep into a mirror in my own eyes to see who is really in there and let her out of her hiding place. I came into the world as a rough version of myself and awkwardly showing the world the true me. I ignored all the snickering and laughing behind my back. I decided to stop caring what other people think and just live my life as I choose. It is the most wonderful feeling to be free of all that baggage and, after years of working on improving myself, I am now at a comfortable place in my life and know that I now live without any regrets. It takes balls to become a woman and it should not be suppressed. There are some sacrifices that come along with the changes but all in all, I now live extremely happy and Joyous!

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    Serene One
    Active Member
    2 years ago

    Stunning… Lovely..

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