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by lizk

Hey I know. I'm decidedly less glam here. Typical Liz. Bedhead hair. Not much makeup. Leather jacket. Happy to just be me. It's the night before LFF. I'm out with Allie, Ellie and Fluff @Fibre. I stopped dancing long enough for this selfie. Off-camera are my girlfriends in crime and a handful of locals that befriended us. An amazing two nights in Leeds. Can't wait to go back!


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Liz K

Hi I'm Elizabeth! You can call me 'Liz'. I always knew I should've been born a girl. I got caught wearing women's clothes when I was 4. I started actively crossdressing when I was 11. I got caught several times in my teens and in adulthood. I struggled with gender issues for decades. Self-loathing and mental trauma were a big part of my life. I came to terms with who I am in 2014. Then I got into therapy and worked on my issues for a few years. By 2019 I knew I had to meet other girls like me. That's when I stumbled upon CDH. The girls I met changed my life. Many of them are now chosen family. And my chosen family is still growing. In 2021 I realized transition was my only option for a happy life. I started HRT in September. I've been living full time since June 2022. I completed a legal name & gender change in May 2024. Gender confirmation surgery is likely. Today I live as my authentic self. Life has never been better. I love to chat and socialize with girls like me. This community means everything to me. Trans is beautiful. It's my hope that every one of us finds their happy place, wherever that may be. Professionally, I work in Information Technology Want to know more?? DM me.

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Fran LaRosa
Famed Member
1 month ago

The satisfaction of contentment! Gotta love it! 🥰

Angela Wagner
Managing Ambassador
Famed Member
1 month ago

Liz, I’ve seen you in person glammed up a bit (in April at Amanda‘s get together). And I’ve seen you with your “everyday” look. And the beautiful woman that you are always shines through. Yes, it shines brighter after a magnificent makeover. But even with bedhead, minimal makeup, or whatever — this photo is a testament to the fact that, at your core, you are a very lovely lady.

Michelle Wayne
Famed Member
1 month ago

I understand of how you want to be glammed up. And you think you look better then. I can say that a part of me likes this photo and view of you better, because it is real. You are an attractive woman, and the makeup and brushed hair, etc, help. I get it. But you still look wonderful, IMO. And I’d steal that necklace in a heartbeat! Thanks for posting this picture Liz.

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