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by saraliscious



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Sarafina (sara)

I was aware of the fact that I was a girl in the wrong body when I was five years old and sharing my feelings with my older sister. Except for my physical appearance, everything about me has always been decidedly female. Unfortunately, I always put myself in work and social situations where I found it necessary to cosplay as male. Now that I am retired the day is approaching when I can finally drop the pretense once and for all, and live these best years of life on my own terms. I have made significant progress with my emotional transition. I am in touch with and expressing my womanly thoughts and hopes and dreams, the depth of my emotion and feelings of love and empathy, my view of life and love and the universe far more openly than I ever thought possible. The question is how far I can realistically transition, given the limitations of age, health, and financial resources. Part of me says to just do it, burn the bridges, let the chips fall where they may and deal with the fallout. But an older, wiser part of me says to have empathy for those who love me, and spare these good people additional collateral damage, when they are already struggling to accept what they I have already laid on them. My ultimate transition will be, by far, the most important personal decision I will ever make. Time will tell the rest of my story. These days I am prouder and happier than ever to be sarandrogenous. I love being here, and I so love and respect each and every one of you for who you are and what you do. Be strong, my sisters, together we can weather this storm. your loyal friend, sara

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Fran LaRosa
Famed Member
2 months ago

Love the Purple and the lovely smile! 🥰

Angela Wagner
Managing Ambassador
Famed Member
2 months ago

For some reason, I’ve started humming the song Sara Smile by Hall & Oates. I have no idea why.

Laura New
Managing Ambassador
Trusted Member
2 months ago

Smiley sara ! Nothing not to love about this pic , love the colour , love the smile , love the necklace …. can you tell I love it ! 🤩😊🤷‍♀️😍🤗

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