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by maturegirl

Going out to play in a sexy orange dress.



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Jennifer Jones

Hi. My name is Jennifer. I guess you could say I was the world's youngest crossdresser since my mother wanted a girl so badly that she refused to look at me the day I was born until a nurse put a ribbon in my hair. I remember tying a towel around my waist like a skirt when I was as young as 5. From 3rd thru sixth grade she did house parties selling lingerie, bras and girdles. I would try the stuff on when I was alone. All through grade junior and high school I would dress off and on. In my twenties, my girlfriend (who would later be my wife), started dressing me in her clothes. At this time just clothes and make up. No wigs and I didn't venture out. That all changed after we got divorced. I purchased a wig, jewelry, clothes, make up and shoes. Over the next 6 years I went en femme as often as possible. I frequented the Queen Mary in Studio City, CA as well as other clubs and numerous clothing stores and malls. Then, I put it all behind me for almost 20 years. What was I thinking?!? In 2015 I shed over 40 pounds and when looking in the mirror all I could think was there needs to be a pair of panties on that body. I dove back in big time. Then in 2016 my fiancé found my clothes and confronted me. She wasn't too happy and moved out a few months later. I have had a great 8 years dressing and living out many of my goals and fantasies. I love going to straight restaurants and bars. I have met so many understanding women and men. I know this has been a little long winded, but that's what I wanted to share. Hope to hear from many of you.

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    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    Your hair isn’t the only thing that’s short in this photo, Jennifer. So is the hemline of that fabulous dress.
    But this photo certainly isn’t short on sexy!

    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    So bright and beautiful Jennifer! 🥰

    Thea Patrick
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    Dear Jennifer,
    When it comes you, EVERY DETAIL is always addressed.
    If I was a meteorologist, I’d say that Jennifer continues to be RELIABLY and PREDICTABLY PRETTY. YOU NEVER DISAPPOINT.
    Sincerely and With Love,

    Staci Gal
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    Orange dress!! Orange is my favorite color. That dress is beautiful… You look lovely too. Have fun Miss Jennifer…

    Grace Palmer
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    You are really rocking that orange dress JJ😍

    Sophia Taylor
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    You look great in that orange dress Jennifer!

    Tonya Johnson
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    Wow. That’s a different look for you. You look great Jennifer.

    ❤️ Tonya

    Janet Jorgenson
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    LOVE that dress! You are so pretty as always!💋

    Andrea Satin
    Active Member
    1 month ago

    Jennifer, you are breathtakingly sexy and gorgeously feminine!

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