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by icecat3

Scarlett's Makeovers, a CD friendly event organizer out of NE Connecticut, held their Spring Soirée at a local VFW post south of Worcester this weekend. I stopped by my local Torrid on the way down so that the outfit I wore for the occasion could be recorded for posterity. All Torrid from head to toe and underneath, of course. At least a couple dozen of us were in attendance, including a few ladies I've met at previous outings, although with the live DJ in such a small venue conversation was difficult and my hearing isn't 100% to begin with. There was a cash bar (being a life long teetotaler I stuck with water), cookies, snacks and pizza. Between my shyness and the ambient noise I had difficulty following conversations so I found one of the TVs and put the Bruins game on with the sound down. I got up the courage just before I had to leave for the evening to bring Scarlett, one of the event organizers and one of the few CIS women in attendance, out onto the dance floor, so I did end my night on a good note. I hope to go to more of her events.


En Femme Style

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Christine Relleum

From the innocent sight in my teens of a pretty brunette classmate who frequently yet accidentally revealed the waistband of her nylon panties above the top of her cordoroy pants came the source of my two obsessions in life. First it was trying to see that incredibly sensual sight as often as possible since I believed then that it was sexy, and she was incredibly beautiful and popular as well. When that obsession nearly destroyed me I chose to channel it internally as a form of self therapy by starting to wear female underwear myself, which in time led me to becoming a closet cross dresser.

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    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    7 months ago

    I enjoyed that story, Christine. But I especially enjoy seeing you in that dress. It’s really wonderful!

    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    7 months ago
    Reply to  Angela Wagner

    And congratulations, Christine! I see that this photo has been selected as one of the featured photos for the day.

    Samantha Marie
    Samantha Marie
    7 months ago

    Sounds like a great time and that dress looks fabulous on you !! X

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