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by theapat

Before heading out to the annual Tea Dance at The Boatslip, I quickly snagged this pic in my hotel room. I WAS grooving on wearing a black flowery a-line dress but I simply couldn't manipulate the 'zipper in the back'. I then remembered a new purchase I had made. The night weather was unseasonably mild. I needed a 'clutch pinch hit''. I opened my suitcase and jumped for joy upon its discovery. I thought to take this photo immediately before I ran off to the dance. No, Thea ATTEMPTED to WEAR PUMPS that night but eventually resorted to her RED SNEAKERS.



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Thea Patrick

...a new member but an "old" (in years) member....nevertheless, a youthfully excited participant.It first started 5 years ago, ....nylons, then yoga pants, panties, heels. Before I knew it, I was researching the correct method to apply nail polish and had purchased two dresses and a bikini on-line (Bikini? I was going to Florida and I thought, Hum, if I could only find a secluded beach...and I did!. The day I had ordered the wig was the day I knew I was 'all in'., It took quite a period of trial and error to totally understand 'my size'. I must say that building the foundation (shape wear), acquiring the accessories, and the artistry needed in applying make-up (from primer and foundation to magnetic/glue-on lashes has been quite the challenge but a ton of fun.

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    Nikki Summers
    Active Member
    13 days ago

    I love the outfit and the shoes are beautiful.

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