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by scarlett398

Girls, I'm getting out of this dark cloud one way or another! I did it before and I'll do it again by the grace of God! Speaking of God, I tune in every single night here and believe it or not, there are at least 20 Private Messages waiting on me full of girls with prayers, encouragement, and tons of advice on how to handle this depression and anxiety! I kinda knew I had girls on this more than wonderful site who loved me, however, I had no idea how widespread it was! Rookie girls, veteran girls, and girls in the middle of those two groups are bringing me to happy tears with the love and concern they are showering me with and I can't thank them enough. I can do what I used to have time to do and that is anyone who sends me a private message will get a response back even if it takes me three or four hours to get all of my responses out! I used to do the same thing with every girl who sent in a wonderful compliment to any of my photos I posted. That's just how I always rolled! It's was always just the kind and considerate thing to do! Girls, I had a good day today. My appetite seems to be coming back, however, sometimes I'll take one step forward and then take two steps backward. I'm leaning heavily on prayer to God and Jesus many times each day and night. I'll get through this girls because nothing can separate my love for God and Jesus! May God bless you all! Sincerely, Scarlett


En Femme Style

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I love the thrill of cross dressing and based on the CDH girls' comments in response to my posted photos, I must be pretty good at exploring the feminine side of myself. I find it sexy, sensual, exciting, challenging, and ever changing. I'm so very blessed now to have as much money as I want to spend on Scarlett and can now, for the very first time in fifteen years, actually purchase dresses, tops, and skirts while shopping with my wife! I never thought that would ever come to fruition! I can now store all of Scarlett's things in our huge dream home when just a short period of time ago, it would all have to be kept in a temperature controlled storage unit. I love Crossdresser Heaven and know it's the classiest and most tasteful cross dressing site on line. All the girls are full of support and encouragement and if folks come to the site with alternative motives which aren't in line with our founder’s rules and regulations, they are quickly deleted from our site. Vanessa Law, our founder, keeps this site classy at all times. She has much help from her Ambassadors, Chat Room Monitors, Photo Monitors, Article Editors, and many more personnel to keep this site classy, encouraging, and supportive.
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Famed Member
3 years ago

Glad you had a good day

Patty Phose
Famed Member
3 years ago

Wishing you great success in getting back to healt and Scarlett soon.

Dana Marie
3 years ago


I was touched by the caption on this photo of you, which is lovely by the way, so I pulled it up and read your entire post. Don’t know the specifics behind what you are dealing with but rest assured. The one in whose hands you placed these issues has your best interests in mind.Continue to trust.

Big hugs and love,


3 years ago

you Are amazing

Linda mm Magliore
Trusted Member
3 years ago

Your love and faith will see you through to the brighter day. You know it’s coming.

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