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by jrvv8379

I've always been told "its not the cold, but how you are dressed for it" (smile)


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Jessica-Renee Delorme

Hi everyone, I’m Jessica-Renee I discovered this wonderful website a little over a month ago, while shopping at The Breast Form Store’s site. I’ve been a customer of theirs for several years but had never seen the CDH site. I was absolutely fascinated that there was such a site and cautiously went on to look around anonymously. I was pleasantly surprised at the content and was instantly put at ease by the openness and honesty of the letters, forums, advice and pictures of the members. It is such a pleasure to know that I am not alone in my journey and that our stories all seem to share varied, but similar backgrounds. I have decided to join the CDH family and look forward to sharing stories and pictures. A little about me. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I began my journey when I was very young. Raised in the 50’s in a home of wonderful women (my mother and great Aunt), I was surrounded by their love and affection. My father was around from time to time, but I found his ways to be harsh and uncompromising, whereas my greater influence was from the “estrogen side”. (lol) Of course, I had plenty of male friends and we did all the things little boys do, but I always felt the pull towards a more feminine way of looking at things. As I grew into adulthood and went through life’s ups and downs many of the members have described, (marriage/divorce, girlfriends etc), the feelings of my feminine side, though suppressed, never went away. I would always think back to how elegant my mother was whenever she dressed to go to work or had a social event and wonder if I would ever dare to dress in such a way. Fast forward to today and as of 7 years ago, my women’s wardrobe has surpassed my “everyday male clothes” by at least 200% or more. I live alone and have the privacy to dress as Jessica day or night. As one of the members said in her posts, I to always feel a little let down when I have to redress myself as a male and go out in public. So far, I have not gotten up the courage to go out en femme as I live in a mostly conservative neighborhood. However, I do go out on my rather secluded deck in the summer months and love the feel the warmth of the outside air on my skin as a woman. I don't see myself as making a complete physical change into a woman as I am a little old for that, but I applaud and admire those who make that choice. Makeup is still a challenge as I am still trying to find the right combinations for my skin tone, and so far, am still experimenting but can’t wait to get a look good enough to post pictures. I'm better at the easier part of body shaping for the most part, though it wouldn’t hurt to lose about 10 or 15 pounds. (Right girls ??) lol. I am very excited to be coming out on this site and so look forward sharing thoughts and ideas. The pictures I have seen of the members has really given me confidence in advancing my own style. Thank you!

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    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    This is a great photo for the Seasons category in the photo contest! Not only do you look fabulous, Jessica. Not only are you wearing a wonderful outfit. But it’s clearly winter all around you!
    Up until now, the Seasons category had the fewest entrants. So I’m glad you and Marion have both submitted wonderful photos to that category today.

    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    I’m not the only one who likes this photo, Jessica. I’m happy to announce that it’s been selected as one of the featured photos for the day. Congratulations!

    Marion Black
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    Jessica, a perfect winter picture with you in a wonderful outfit. You look great. Together we have already gone through the seasons today. Hugs Marion 😍 

    Michelle Wayne
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    I love this picture Jessica! Your clothing certainly looks warm enough, and the dress color is just so nice on you!

    Sophia Taylor
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    Jessica, that is a beautiful outfit! The dress and heels are perfect for the colder weather.

    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    The cold has nothing on you! You fashionably heat up the scene! 🥰

    Alluera Belle
    Active Member
    1 month ago

    Jessica, if you had a calendar of all the cool photos you do with the backdrops, I’d buy it!!!

    Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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