I’ve retitled this week’s crossdressing success story since it involves people who both identify with two different places on the transgender spectrum.
If you have a story to share you’d like to share with the readers of Crossdresser Heaven, please email me at vanessalaw@crossdresserheaven.com and let me know you’d like me to share with others. If you identify anywhere else on the gender spectrum (transgender, transsexual, etc.) you are also welcome to submit a story. Readers of Crossdresser Heaven are at many places on their journey through gender self-discovery. I know that I would personally love to hear from more ladies who have found a different answer to their gender questions. Please include:
- Your femme name
- A brief introduction (1-2 sentences about where you live, how old you are and such)
- Your story (if you go over 700 words I’m going to edit you down 🙂 )
- Optional – A photo of you (no nudity please)
Meet Steve
Steve is a 50 year old cross dresser who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (Washington State).
Steve’s Transgender Success Story
I remember I was about 12 years old trying on some of Mom’s old swimsuits I found one day. Then I can remember being about 14 when I got an pair of my sister’s panties. Little yellow polka dot ones of yellow nylon/white dots.
I used to spend a lot of time looking at women’s underwear pictures in newspaper ads and Sears Catalog and such before I finally got up the nerve to buy some granny panties. This was when I was 15 or 16, and I can tell you I did not like those as much and threw them away. The next time I got panties was when I was 18 and ordered some from a department store. They were white bikini panties, that I then started buying regularly from department stores – the boxed Playtext panties. This went on for several years – I would buy them from department stores by filling out the order form and waiting for delivery (Ed: Ahh, the Internet is such a blessing for the modern crossdresser)
When I got married I told my first wife and she hid all my men’s underwear to force me to give up panties. Alas I had to throw them all away, I was in the military and could not wear them 24/7. That did not last long and I went through several buy and purge cycles before finally getting a divorce and being able to keep my underwear. I got remarried few years later (you would think I would learn) and told her up front. The marriage lasted a couple of years and when I wanted to wear woman’s jeans we got a divorce. She said I was not “Man Enough”.
Anyway when I retired from the Military I decided to wear what I wanted. I kept both men’s and women’s underwear. I met my partner at local Crossdress Social Club meeting. She was Pre Op Transsexual and we got married after she had the operation. I have been wearing panties and women’s clothes (jeans, some shirts) since then. Heck, I don’t own any men’s underwear or jeans. Lane Bryant “Right Fit” are my favorite jeans.
I tried the whole dress up thing – Wig, dress, heels and such. It just was not me. I’ve been out in public dressed (to dinner with a group), but I realize that I’m a guy who likes to wear woman’s clothes.
I now have a very supportive wife and live quite happily. I do the housework (I got hurt in Military during Desert Storm and get VA Disability, SSA and CRDP Pay) so I can do what I want and have enough money to live.
Steve – thank you for sharing your story. It may take a while, but we can all find love and acceptance if we look hard enough.
More Articles by Vanessa Law
- 7 Essential Tips to Crossdressing
- Win a Free Makeup Prize Bundle from Jecca Blac
- A Few Changes in Our Family
- I Want to Live Like That
- Hope in Despair, Light through the Darkness
Vanessa Law
Latest posts by Vanessa Law (see all)
- 7 Essential Tips to Crossdressing - January 4, 2024
- Win a Free Makeup Prize Bundle from Jecca Blac - March 11, 2022
- A Few Changes in Our Family - April 15, 2021
- I Want to Live Like That - August 29, 2020
- Hope in Despair, Light through the Darkness - March 22, 2020
Hello Steve. I’m Ragina. I guess that we could say that we are both brothers and sisters. Brothers in arms (Operation Iraqi Freedom) as well as sisters. My story is pretty similar to your’s I am reitred and on disability so I’m home most of the time and able to dress during the daytime. I enjoy being en femme as much as I can. I’ve never been out as Ragina as yet, but I do plan to soon. Best of all to you and yours this new year. Ragina.
Thank you for that story Steve, I to served in the Gulf, Desert Storm & Desert Shield. I just now found this site, I will have to see about putting my story together. I now work for a School District, that knows I am Transgender (I prefer Androgynous), they don’t mind that I blur gender boundries while at work, and have nominated me 3 times for employee of the year.