There is always a risk but the urge to dress was always present and access to girl’s clothes was easy when I was a young child, the only thing was opportunity. Being in a large family it was difficult with the coming and goings of family members and sharing a bedroom with a brother made it even harder. The only time I could dress was when we were playing or for fancy dress. By the time I was about 11 years old I used to slip a dress under the mattress of my bed and sneak it on for a while after my brother was asleep and occasionally sneak something on in the bathroom but it was only for a brief moment. By the time I was 14 my brother and elder sister were out a lot or working, the younger sisters were at school, dad was at work and mum would go out. If I were off school sick or another reason having time alone in the house I was in the wardrobes and dressing to the full. It was a bit daring but I managed to keep it all secret and timed it all well. This went on for years and sometimes there were those near misses which were quite scary. I recall one occasion when I was off school sick and everyone was out and mum had gone shopping so I knew I had about three hours as she was quite predictable. I went upstairs and chose my outfit, underwear, hosiery, slip and a nice dress. I changed in my bedroom and after admiring myself in the mirror, found a pair of shoes and went down stairs to the lounge and sat listening to music. I wandered around the house and made a drink and reclined, very lady like on the settee and dozed off!  I don’t know what woke me up or how long I was dozing until I checked the clock. Panic, three hours had passed! I rushed upstairs and quickly got changed placing everything back from whence it came. I could not have done it quicker as mum arrived home late having missed the bus she was due to take so I got away with it that time.

Another was when I was working shifts and had an afternoon off which was not uncommon and was always a good opportunity to dress in an empty house. I had just put on the underwear and slip when I heard the front door go – it was dad! Crap! I didn’t expect him back so I dived into bed. He came upstairs as he must have heard me. He popped his head round the door and I said I was having a nap as it had been a hard shift. The reason why he came home was the fact he had to pop home from work to pick up some tools and he left.

Finally, the closest and risky dressing experience. I had sneaked a few items in the house I had purchased at stores as I was growing out of the clothes available and being home alone in the last year of being there I was experimenting with makeup. The house was empty as most siblings had left home so my dressing was easier and this day I had gotten fully dressed at leisure and was sitting in a bedroom putting on the makeup feeling quite relaxed when instinct got me to look out of the window after hearing something outside. It was my sister and her boyfriend approaching the front door! She had moved out to live with him so what was she doing coming back home? I gathered everything up and dashed into the bathroom and started to run the taps and strip off having no time to put everything back, so it all went in the laundry basket. They came in and called out so I called back saying I was having a shower and would be out soon. She said she had come to pick up a box for their house and wasn’t staying long, but stay they did. I got the makeup off and cleaned my nails and after double checking, I sat and had a chat. After they left, I sorted out the clothes and knew that was close and how lucky I was to be sitting in the front bedroom overlooking the parking area as I could have been in my own room at the side of the house. I was so lucky that day.

These were examples of a few very close calls and the amount of time I dressed made me realize how lucky I was or careful I had to be in order not to be caught by others. I was compelled by the desire and it had to be a secret apart from the times when it was for the other reasons and relished, a case of hidden in plain sight.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my article. Now please feel free to write a response to my article or answer three of the questions I’ve posed to you below:

  • Did you have a pile of close calls during the times when you were keeping your thrill of cross dressing secret from any family members? If so, please share one of your very close calls.
  • Where did you hide your feminine clothing from your wife or other family members while you keeping your cross dressing a total secret from them?
  • Did you ever feel any guilt or shame after cross dressing while keeping it a secret from others?

Sincerely, Angela



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Angela Booth

At first I was afraid, I was mystified I kept thinking I could I could never live without my female side But then I spent many a night to know it wasn’t wrong And I grew strong And I learned to get along And so I’m here From my secret place I walked out and see me here with that happy look on my face I have changed that stupid lock and thrown away the key I know for many seconds it doesn’t bother me I go on now and walk out that door I don’t turn around now ‘Cause I am welcome for evermore No one can hurt me with a goodbye Do you think I would crumble Do you think I would dress down and lie? Oh no not I. I will survive Oh, as long as I know how to dress, I know I will thrive, I’ve got all my life to live I’ve got all my looks to give And I will thrive I will thrive Hey Hey.

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Active Member
1 year ago

Every sissy’s two edged sword…hoping not to get caught due to the shame…hoping to get caught over the thrill of the shame

Jill Edina
Active Member
1 year ago
Reply to  MissGracie

I know that feeling,I was feeling both sides of the sword last week when my wife nearly caught me in a dress.

Layla Mesa
1 year ago
Reply to  MissGracie

So true!

Carolyn Kay
Trusted Member
1 year ago

Thank you so much for sharing the close calls you had in your life, one does tend to remember them. One of the many close calls I had happened when I was about 12. Everyone was gone from the house so I went downstairs to were my mother stored my sisters extra clothing. I tried on a few things and was having fun. I had just put on a dress when I heard the back door open, it was one of my sisters. She called out my name, naturally I didn’t answer. She called again only this time she added,… Read more »

Alison Anderson
Active Member
1 year ago

I lived in a 3 bedroom apartment. Myself and two brothers shared the large (master) bedroom, my mom and dad the next smaller one, and my sister the smallest. Her room was off limits so I didn’t get any time there, and sharing a room with 2 younger brothers meant I never had much of an opportunity. My mom used one of the closets in our room for overflow stuff, and I would often look and feel the clothes. It wasn’t before I was a teenager before I could actually dress. I don’t recall any particular “almost caught" story that… Read more »

Mandi Smith
Active Member
1 year ago

For me, there was nothing ‘almost’ about it. I’ve been caught more than once by most members of my family. They see it as an anomaly, not as an obsession. If they only knew.

1 year ago

I’ve been caught twice. Once when I was about 13 years old and I found my sister’s petticoats in her closet and wanted to try wearing them on to see how they would look on me. There was three of them, one was white, one was pink and the other one was sky blue. I took them into the bathroom and got undressed, then put them on in layers, so it looked like I was wearing a gown. I thought that I looked like a girl, but I wasn’t wearing anything except for the petticoats. I wanted to to go… Read more »

Rhonda Lee
Active Member
1 year ago
Reply to  Janine

I hate stories that remind me of my own outcome. So sorry! I am so upset by these things that I have devoted a huge amount of energy ever since my own divorce toward trying to educate others so the same won’t happen to them. I was leading a group working on an international survey of crossdressers when I got waylaid with other stuff but still hope to return to the survey. The survey was nearly finalized, but I feel it needs to be vetted by an ERB and endorsed by credible sources before it can be accepted scientifically. Our… Read more »

Rhonda Lee
Active Member
1 year ago

I had several close callsnand am sure I was caught on some occasions, although nothing was said. In my high school days there was a time when my Mom entered my bedroom and must have seen me with a bra around my waist. On another occasion I pulled a bra from the hamper and broke a clasp while wearing it. I foolishly sewed it back on, which I am sure must have been noticed; it would have been smarter, of course, to have left it broken so she would assume the washer or dryer were responsible. On another occasion my… Read more »

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