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Hi there! I'm sort of new here, sort of not (deleted my old profile last year, in a panic. Long story...), but I'm looking for support groups in the Chicago area for crossdressers, or anyone who'd like to bond. I'm trying to do things "right" this time after too many years sneaking around, and having some others to lean on would be awesome.
Whatcha, got?
I am also from Chicago and my first step after coming out to my wife (who kind of new but didn't want to) was finding this site about a year ago. I also would like to connect with folks in the area but have not actively done anything about it.
Seems like we have similar situations with our SO. Happy to DM as well.
Hi Jeanne (and Evie),
I'm also in Chicago and in a similar boat. I'm yet to socialize in much capacity as it relates to CD etc. Would be happy to connect, maybe meet sometime.
Hi Jeanne and All,
I am also in the Chicago area and have never reached out to anyone. It is about time that I did. I have not told my SO but suspect that she knows. I think that I am ready to come out and meet socially. Let's talk.
Hi girls,
im just down the road in Belvidere, about 70 miles northwest of Ohare. I would love to meet some of you ladies. Maybe at a Starbucks on the tollway rest stop island go a coffee and girl talk. Let me know. Hugs, Kerri
Hi Girls- Rori of w.transformationsbyrori.com hosts a t-girl party the 3rd Thursday of every month at HipShots in Arlington Heights. Rori has a makeover studio and crossdresser store.
Go to her website and look at the right column about 1/2 down and you will see the date for the next event.
Click the tap called “T” party photos to see the photos of past events. Btw- If you decide to go and do NOT want your photo posted, just let the photographer know. They will NOT post photos if you don’t want a photo taken.
Hey chicago ladies any one like fishing
Live to fish
I can’t fish worth a damn. I think fish hate me. I need anther hobby. Maybe crossdressing. Would love to meet a girl with similar interests.
To my chicago ladies our conservations have been wonderful lately a lot of stressors have been under control.
And my desire to.crossdress has subsided
But today at work a lady was walking around in 6 inch heels and omg!!!! My brain went into euphoric mode and my desire to crossdress is on overload
Once i have started talking with you ladies and being called sweetie
The reallity of being able to crossdress with others is scary nervous but euphoric
Im nervously ready to cross the line of no return
Just watching the lady walkin 6 inch heels makes me what to rip off my male clothes and dress up in a satin blouse with a pencil skirt a garter belt with thign stockings and black high heels
But im realy enjoying our conservations
Just wanted to check in. Thanks for the conversation. I am in Aurora/Naperville area. Love to dress, but have not in years. I have been out a few times, but met a fellow CD to dress only once. It was decades ago. Great experience though. We went to a a bar in Blue Island. The CD group there was called the Island Girls. Anyways, I hope to communicate with some people of like mindset.
- Hi All, still looking to go out and mingle en femme. I’ve been out and about a bit. It’s great! Let’s talk? Feel free to contact me here or PM me?
Hi All. I am Donna.I think I would like attend Rori's monthly.Any one have info about
these events. Thanks.
I dont live in Chicago, but I'm right up the road in Milwaukee. I am definitely interested in any event Chicago CDH folks plan!
I've been looking for trans communities in Chicago since those are a little sparse in my area.
I found two - Chi Chicago and the Chicago Gender Society. Both offer communities of support and public monthly outings. I haven't made one yet, but I definitely want to go sometime.
Maybe a group of CDH members could check one out together? Omg fun!
As a suggestion since there is a spectrum of folks who go out dressed to those who have not progressed to that point, why not gather for drinks or dinner and talk about how to support one another, plan a group activity and move forward? The lowest common denominator would be that everyone show up in drab for the first few gatherings. That would take the stress out of it for some.