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Hi all, just wanted to announce there is a 'New Girl' event happening on March 29th to encourage anyone who's been thinking of getting out. There will be a few 'old girls' out as well, so don't let that dissuade anyone who's been out before! 😉
I'll be there as one of the hostesses, and out front of the location to welcome any newcomers as well! Freddie's is a fun and very safe place. Details and link below:
When: Friday, March 29th 7pm EDT
Where: Freddie's Beach Bar & Grill, 555 23rd St S · Arlington, VA
Who: You! 🙂
Checks diary.
Gets excited 🙂
Realises that this is NOT Arlington in Norfolk (14.5 miles) but Arlington in Virginia (3693 miles).
Checks flight costs anyway.
Excitement subsides 🙁
Melodee, that sounds like a wonderful gathering and if it were only 2000 miles closer, I'd love to go. I never hear of such get together s around my neighborhood.
Have fun!