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by yestothedress

So good to be back after a long hiatus...first opportunity to dress in forever. I've missed all of you lovelies.



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On-and-off CDing since early teens. Long stretches without any urges but here in my advanced middle age Mona has emerged in force. She's a high-spirited gal who shall no longer be denied. It's both thrilling and a bit intimidating because I don't know where she's planning to take me. Although I only get to dress every now and then, I'm having great fun and just enjoying the ride. I'm happy to have found this welcoming and supportive community and hope to get more involved as time allows.
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Rozalyn Richards
Trusted Member
1 year ago

Love the dress Mona it really suits you X
Hugs Rozalyn X

Melody Scott
Active Member
1 year ago

Very cute and elegant Mona. I love the color and it flatters your lovely figure! Hugs – Melody

Active Member
1 year ago

Such a gorgeous shade of blue and so elegantly worn x

Kris Burton
Trusted Member
1 year ago

A very lovely dress Mona – love the color and those sleeves, and you model it so well here!

Noble Member
1 year ago

I was wandering what happened to you. It is good to see you back and you are looking as beautiful as ever Mona. I love baby blue and it looks good on you. You present it very beautifully darling. Very pretty. Love. Janice.

Boo Boo
Boo Boo
1 year ago

Such a beautiful dress Mona, love it. So nice on you xx

Danielle Wayne' class='avatar avatar-64 photo' height='64' width='64' />
Danielle Wayne
1 year ago

such a nice form fitting dress, your figure looks so nice and trim. One of my favorites of you

Alexandra Forbes
Alexandra Forbes
1 year ago

Stunning look. My goodness 🙂

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