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by julie-slowinski

Found this VfEmage dress online and instantly fell in love. Turned out to be even better in person. A big shout out to Cloe D for turning me on to Amazon dresses - can't believe I've been missing out all these years.



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Julie Slowinski

Been dressing at home for many years, but recently went out for the first time (see evolution question below for details). Went solo that time, but would like to make new friends to meetup with for the next outing. Hoping to meet like-minded CD's in my area and elsewhere - we never know where our travels will take us and what opportunities will arise.

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    Janet Jorgenson
    Active Member
    4 months ago

    Gorgeous figure and dress!

    4 months ago

    Love that dress, the color is so good. You look amazing.

    Active Member
    4 months ago

    Amazing you found something so nice online. I usually end up getting disappointed with the quality or the fit. You have a great figure. That dress looks great on you. Is that your real hair? It’s beautiful. You look happy in your pics which makes me happy too!

    1 11 12 13

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