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by melodys

Dreaming of a New Year filled more Melody fun!



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Melody Scott

Deeply interested in the exploration and expression of the feminine within me and others. Typical discovery story: tried on female family members clothing in secret as a pre-adolescent and teen. Explored CDing throughout life with many purges. Have come to accept that this is a part of who I am and will always be. Trying to find balance in all things.

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    Mysti Strachan
    Active Member
    5 months ago

    Wow! Such a lovely photo; every element pops. I especially love your pose and expression. Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing this.

    Kerri Smith
    Trusted Member
    5 months ago

    What a picture of loveliness Melody.

    Maria Girl
    Active Member
    5 months ago

    Beautiful picture Melody xx

    Bluest Belladonna
    Bluest Belladonna
    5 months ago

    Dear Melody,

    I adore your dress collection and sense of classy style!

    With our shared love for dresses,
    The Bluest Belladonna

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