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Over the weekend I received an email from the small but lovely nail and waxing salon that my wife and I use. It was basically about their impending price rise, but it contained the following paragraph:
“We will also be reinstating the option to pay in advance in full when you make the appointment. We know a lot of you like this option to manage your finances (girl math; if you pay before your appointment then it’s technically free 🤔 )”
FREE WAXING 😀 😀 - I now totally endorse girl maths and am keen to discover any other ways I could benefit from such algirlithms. Any suggestions gratefully received 😉
Girl maths, it's girl logic and I love it. My sister was a great exponent of it and I know many girls who do this.
If you see something in a sale, a bargain, an offer or anything that sells for a lot cheaper than retail then it is bought. If there is more than one item then why not, you could have a whole basket full. The rationale is not about the amount spent or even if the tags are ever removed, it's about how much you have saved not whether you can afford it. Yes I have spent a small fortune but look how much I have saved, and that is what is clung too as reasoning and logic.
This is why my wardrobes are so full.
1 huge double, two small and overflow in boxes in the loft. Then drawers , underbed drawers, quite normal for a girl...
When buying girl clothes or anything for my hobbies I have to admit I use girl maths all the time. The only trouble is my wife doesn't use it and focusses on what I've spent. It should be the other way around.
I've often heard ads like "Save 50%!" Of course, if I don't buy it, I saved 100%!
But I do pay in adance for my waxing. They have a package a couple of times a year to buy 9, get 3 free. So if I pay for 9 of each "service" (full legs, full arms, stomach, chest, and full back), I have over a year's worth of services (I am at the point I go every 5 weeks in the warmer months and 6 weeks in the colder months) saving 25%. Yes I have to pay for it up front (or I can pay in 4 monthly installments) but then I've paid for the service for the year; I just leave a tip each time I go. It's not "free" but still a bargain if I am going to use the service anyway.