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The perfect gift

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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Hi ladies! 

I would love to give something special to my husband/girlfriend as a celebration of becoming themselves fully with me. 

I have bought all the lace and the look, but wanted some advice on something which would be a special gift. 

What would be something you wish you were gifted? 


Imogen xx

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 73

@ambersqueen I think a cute watch would be great. I love moderately priced watches, in the $100-$200 range, but I bought myself a really cute watch for about $20, maybe $30 that I wear when I change from my man clothes to my Siobhann clothes. A little Timex with a floral Nato band. I don't know your lady's style, or your budget, but I think a nice lady's watch is just lovely, in my opinion.

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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@siobhann that's is a great idea! Thanks xx

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Trusted Member     Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
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@ambersqueen perhaps a soft minimal bracelet such as these. they are very femme and we are getting one for me

(@Anonymous 96234)
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@ambersqueen This is so nice. Great ideas from the other girls. Another idea that I had was buying a dress/outfit and leave it out with a note saying something like I thought this would look good on you.

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I agree with the other ladies here that accessories are always a good idea. It's easy to find something that fits any budget, and I think they're a key ingredient to a complete look that we sometimes forget about. I do at least.

Another thing that you might consider is that experiences are often better remembered and cherished than items. I don't know whether or not he/she is venturing out en femme, or if that's something you're both interested in. But for me, when I think about what I'd like from my wife, it's generally more acceptance. It sounds like you've already got that, but maybe you could surprise him/her with a "perfect day."

I would love it if my wife came to me and said, "I think I've finally accepted this, let's spend a day or two together with you dressed up, what would you like to do?" If we then sat down and planned the perfect day together, that would be the best present I could get, I think.

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Noble Member     Clearwater, Florida, United States of America
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Hi Imogen,

Let me start by saying your husband is blessed to have such a supportive wife. My wife truly loves me but has a very hard time with the feminine part of me so I have to keep it to the alone times.  So, to your question, if there is a crossdressing service anywhere by you, a professional makeover where you get to try on different outfits and wigs and take lot's of pics professionally made up to look your best is a gift I would be excited about.



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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@michellemybell  agree with Michelle, a makeover for her or a spa day for you both.  I bought my SO a crystal heart with a photo of us inside, like a  hologram,  lighted and rotates,  a constant reminder of your love.  Your SO is so lucky to have you!

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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@missylinda I'm lucky to be in their life! Lovely idea

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Estimable Member     Colorado, United States of America
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@michellemybell I'm so sorry, sweety, I do see you, and I understand dressing, and feeling good in our being alone time. It's so hard when you find that cute skirt, or the right shade of whatever, and want to share that joy, but know that it's not going to be rewarded, or that joy won't be acknowledged in how you feel. Maybe it's given the nod, but not shared.


For all the wives out there treasuring their girls, please know how much you are appreciated. It means so much.

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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Does your husband have a female name? If so, a necklace with that name on it would be special. I'd love a necklace with Cerys on it, but alas, my wife doesn't want me to have a female name, so it will never happen 🙂

If you want to be daring.... Take him to have his ears pierced! My wife did this to me. We were laying in bed one Saturday morning, and she asked me what I'd like to do that day. I said that I wasn't too bothered. The she said "I thought we'd go into town and get your ears pierced". This blew me away. My wife was never keen. I'd mentioned it to her many times over the 30 years we'd been married.... Later that day I was sat in a piercing salon having a lovely pair of studs put in my ears. I'll never forget that day.


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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 31

@dazzler I did gift a name a while ago, that would be sweet for her. 

I'll have to broach the earrings,  we have never discussed. 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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That is very nice of you to think of doing that for her.

For my birthday my wife took me to get my ears pierced which was special. Since then she surprised me one day by taking me to a boutique that sold a lot of jewelry and had me pick out a pair of earrings and necklace (she got a new pair of earrings and necklace too). New earrings are always a special gift in my opinion, actually any jewelry is. The other nice part about jewelry is that the 2 of you can share it, my wife and I have done that a few times.

Hope that helps. Now that you've asked and peaked our curiosity you'll have to let us know what you get her.


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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 31

@cdsue definitely going to broach earrings with him. I will also let everyone know.. and maybe a pic of the gorgeous receiver of gift haha

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Might suggest something "designer" she would not buy for herself. Something a bit over the top, but not too crazy. I am thing something like a Hermes scarf, or a Louis Vitton handbag.

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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@jjandme ohhh I like xx

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Trusted Member     Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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Dear Imogen,

Could you give us a little more information about your partner? Your desire to please him/her with a special gift is wonderful but also unusual. I know what I would love to receive, but that's because I know who I am and what I want.


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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
Posts: 31

@gynaeceum hi Livi, Amber is into a 1950s style atm, but is evolving as we have yet to really create a full wardrobe. She has yet to go out dressed and we are planning our shopping trip. 

Hubby has always gifted me at important moments (having children, getting degree etc.) So thought to return the favour, as being true to self with one you love is a brave achievement.  

I know all the gifts I would usually get him, but wanted an insight if there was anything that would be more suitable.


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Trusted Member     Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
Posts: 30


Dear Imogen,

Thank you for the quick response and apologies for the slow reply.

What you’ve said about your partner and about yourself is quite helpful regarding the sort of thing you might consider as the special gift for Amber. All of the suggestions offered thus far by others here at CDH, to be sure, are excellent possibilities and deserve further consideration on your part.

What you might also think of doing, however, is to define to your satisfaction, given the fact that Amber and you are approximately the age of many here, what generally motivates us cross-dressers in our quest to realize and construct our femininity while still confined in masculine bodies.

In wanting now to present ourselves as women through the immediate, material identity modification resulting from our change in dress, comportment, thinking, feeling, etc., many of us here, it’s not unreasonable to conclude, desire to achieve nature’s gift to all young women—namely, the feminine swank. To be sure, while many of us felt that desire early on in our lives and would have proceeded with our feminization through cross-dressing, hormonal treatments, and even gender re-assignment surgery had there not been all sorts of frightening taboos prohibiting such a dramatic change in our lives, the rub is that, now that we’ve come to an understanding of what it is we denied ourselves in conforming to the daily drabness of simplistic sexual binary thinking for a good portion of our lives, the prospect of achieving that much desired swank is all the more difficult.

You might think this bit of reasoning is a long-winded way of getting around to suggesting a gym membership as practical means of engaging in body-shaping, which isn’t a bad idea. But since your partner enjoys presenting as a woman, and since it is the cross-dressing in various garments that is favored to achieve that end, what you might consider introducing, if it hasn’t yet occurred, is the magic of the foundational undergarment ensemble—in short, the long-line bra with waist-cincher, with high-waist padded panty, with girdle, etc.

Here in the States, one of the most proficient providers of women’s foundational undergarments is Rago American Shapewear. I’m sure that apparel is available in Australia, and if Rago is not sold there, I’m sure a comparable women’s clothier exists in Queensland.

Helping your partner achieve that important curve will further the realization that it’s never too late to be what one might have been.


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Honorable Member     Not in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
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Two of the biggest problems I face is shoes that fit (I wear a women's size 14 in US) and jewelry.  I have gained weight over the years and my hands were always kind of big.  Finding a ring or bracelet that fits can also be challenging.  Etsy has been useful in the jewelry department.

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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@karla1958 thanks, I'll have to have a look! I love a good shoe hunt

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Every girl needs pearls.

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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@jincrocker so they do 


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(@Anonymous 96234)
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A supportive spouse is indeed very special!  I am blessed to be married to one.


May I suggest in no special order:

A piece of jewelry with her name engraved on it.

A set of frilly lace color panties.

Her favorite perfume, if she has one?

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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@catgurl thank you

May have gifted one of those...hehe

I do like the name jewellery idea

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Imogene,

Your SO has a very special gift from your acceptance.  As others have said Jewelery is a great gift or a spa day.  Perhaps, a trip for a mani/pedi is in order as a girls day out.


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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Another very special option is a photo shoot en femme. Nothing says I love you and accept your feminine side like a permanant memento of being dressed to the nines and recording it for posterity.

A glamour and boudouir photo shoot is amazingly empowering...and great fun.

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Trusted Member     Queensland, Australia
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Just thought I would post a slight update. No gift yet, however, I did suggest and we had a girls day out of shopping, trying on clothes and lunch! 

It was a fantastic day and Amber ended up with some pretty underwear and some casual dresses for daily wear when we do venture out with her dressed. 

It was amazing seeing her smile while trying on dresses and finding all the pretty things. 

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Hi Imogen,

I just sent you a private message. Someone before me suggested a makeover. Well down on the Gold Coast you have House of Transformations

Google that and see if the idea suits.







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