Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Afternoon I just signed up this is my first experience on any social network kinda scared nobody but my spouse knows about this life I live behind hopefully this site will help and bring me close to my dreams
that would be possible one day just to go out in public and see or least hide some where
Hey Erin, a big welcome to the best CD site on the planet. You'll find the girls here are all so welcoming, friendly and supportive, and it's a really safe space. Whilst we all have our own personal take on our approach to the feminine side we all share a common love. Read the forums and articles, ask questions and the girls will pitch in to help you out. Tell us a little more about yourself in your profile if you like. You're already way ahead of a lot of us (including me) in that your SO is aware of your girly side. There's absolutely loads of stuff here about being out in public. There's no shame, just a celebration of our femme persona, so dig in and have fun!
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
thank you dearly
Welcome to our cross dressing community, I've only been here for a couple of months but have been welcomed with open arms. It is a US site but there are people from all over the world here, I am from the UK -- where there are loads of us -- but also I have seen contributors from as far as Australia too.
My wife knows about me and is accepting of my foibles, even to going out with me, so the fact that your SO knows about you means you are off to a flying start and I'm sure we girls here will have you out and about in no time.
Becca X
Awww thank you dearly appreciated the boost dearly
Hi Erin nice to meet you and so happy you found and joined us girls here so look around and do some reading of the forums and posts with a few profiles thrown in for fun .. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. We are all very friendly and love to chat so don't be shy jump in when you get comfortable with us .. Have fun girlfriend say hello sometime..
Stephanie Bass
Thank you 🙏
Welcome aboard, girl. You'll like it here. It's been really good for me the last few days., I'm guessing you will feel the same.
Hi Erin,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Erin.
Welcome to CDH. A friendly, understanding and supportive community. Best place you can find to get closer to your dreams.
Hi Erin!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
I can relate to scared, especially going out in public, but here nothing to be scared of.
Just a bunch of girls who love crossdressing like me!
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi Erin,
Welcome to CDH! It's been fun seeing you in the chat already. I think you're really going to enjoy spending time here.
Welcome Erin!! Being new here myself let me assure you that you have found one of the most positive, friendly and supportive places you could hope to find here! The ladies you will have the chance to meet are so incredible you will feel like you’ve found your true home! I hope you enjoy your time here.
Hi Erin and welcome! I’ve been here a little less than a month but it feels like a lot longer! The girls here are all so nice, supportive and very encouraging! CDH has helped me feel that I’m not in this alone! There are so many others out there on all levels of the journey. Relax and enjoy all the good conversation and you will even learn a thing or two. Guaranteed!
Hi Erin and welcome!