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May 2 - 4 is the 18th Annual Heartland Transgender Spring Soiree & Music Jam in Oklahoma City. For more information, if you're interested in going please check out the link to the website: https://www.heartlandtg.com/ It will be a good time for everyone.
Hi Diane,
Do you have to register to attend their events?
No. Though there is another page on the Fetlife site where they would like to know who is attending. It's not a registration thing so much as a head count so they have an idea of how many people will be there. You do have to join the Fetlife website, I believe, to be able to add yourself to the attending group. Send me a private message if you'd like the link to the web page.
They also get a feel from the Hotel reservations as most girls stay over at least one night. That is their main concern, as they get the group rate based on a guaranteed number of rooms reserved. Some crazy girls like me, stay for an entire week..
I've got a room booked for the 1st - 5th. Looking forward to seeing you there, if not at one of the OKC or Tulsa GNO's between now and then.
I am thinking of attending one of the OKC Girl's Night out as well.
That sounds awesome. Thank you very much!
I would love to attend an event like this. Unfortunately we have a trip planned for the first two weeks of May. I might have to see if I can change our reservations for our trip. I was luckt enough to get out in Vegas last year a couple times but other than that I never get out as Nicki and want to so bad and this sounds like the perfect venue.
I'm seriously considering going if I can get my ex to switch weekends with the kids. It would only be my second time out, assuming I don't get out between now and then.
That would be so great Kendra. I hope it works out for you, you'll love it. Would be so nice to meet another CDH girl there and get to chat.
Ping me if you are going or need any info on the event, my 3rd time. I'll buy your first drink..
I have a question: I can’t commit, well, because of life! But if it turns out on say April 28th that I could go, could I? Go?
You certainly can Sheryl. We will even roll out the red carpet for you! (and that's hard to do in Heels..) The event has no attendance fee. Make the hotel reservation by calling them and mention the Heartland event for the special rate. You can always cancel.
Looks like a 6 1/2 hr drive for you, 1/2 more than me. Trust me, it's worth it..
Well! Getting closer to the day and still looks like I will be there! I even bought a swimsuit for the pool! I’ve never been out in public to this extent so I’m nervous about it. Should I register or is it too late or just tell you when I’m 100% sure I’m going? (Right now I’m only at 90% sure)
You don't need to register. Have you got a hotel room reserved? Once at the hotel you'll need to let the people runnig the event know you are there, That's about it.
Ok. I’m in 100% but seriously, I won’t be there until 3:30ish. But I will be looking for that drink that Diane is going to serve us!