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Heartland TG, Oklahoma City

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Estimable Member     DFW, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

Has anyone been to Heartland TG in Oklahoma City? I’m thinking about attending but have never been to a large event and do not know what to expect.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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Posts: 50

@emily2day I went to the event in the fall of ‘22.  It was a first time ever for me.

I was very apprehensive as I parked and considered not getting out of the car…but I was far from home so I pulled up my panties and went in.

I was awkward but they made it easy. I hope I can go this spring.

if you go, just interject yourself in conversations and you will be surprised at the diversity of the crowd.

The organizers do a real service to give us an opportunity to interact at a very reasonable cost.

It was a significant step to understanding myself.  I recommend you try it.

(@Anonymous 93975)
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@emily2day Hi Emily, I’m thinking of going also and I’ve never been either and I don’t know what to expect either! Maybe we can be 1st timers together. That might be less awkward for me!

Posts: 186
Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
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Me, the other Emily has been to two of them.  They are very much fun.. the one coming up in May has a Kentucky Derby Party which, for me, is one of the highlights.  You will have no problems.. Other, usually 4 or 5 Dallas girls always attend. I'll be there, have my reservations made.  There are makeup, nail, and hair services available.  Usually 50 or more girls attend, some like me, stay for a week.  Look for me.. stylish cute 5'11 girl in a short skirt & heels.


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(@Anonymous 93975)
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Hi Emily, Thanks for being my personal Wikipedia! You said about 50 girls attend. Do they all stay at the hotel? That would be a lot of rooms! Do you pretty much roam the whole place freely? 
Will I have to walk around and search for our group, or will I pretty much follow the crowd?

Posts: 186
Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

A small update..  A Poker Tournament (Texas Holdem) was added to the event on the Saturday afternoon.  The winner get a tierra to keep until the next tournament.

Additionally, I should have mentioned above.. the evenings are when the live band music is happening after dinner, and the gala on finale Saturday night.


Posts: 26
Trusted Member     Burns Flat, Oklahoma, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

We're also trying to work up a daytime bowling trip during Fri at Heartland. It would be after the Kentucky Derby Party, so that anyone there that wants to bowl, like me, will have the time to change.


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