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Looking for a makeover, and photos in Seattle area. Anyone have knowledge or experience I would love advice.
The makeover is the easy part as any of the big chains are happy to do MTF makeup...Sephora, Ultra, MAC, and I imagine many, many more. I would think there are many CD-friendly professional studio photographers in your area...it is Seattle.
Thanks JJ, I will have 2 days in Seattle, and hope to find a CD makeup service. Living in TN not much opportunity.
My point is you do not really need to focus on a CD makeup service since the places I mentioned are CD/trans-friendly. A photographer might be a little harder to find, but a few phone calls, texts, or emails should help and you can be anonymous if you wish until you find one. If you are looking for a full CD service, hopefully, a local here will chime in. If you have all the accouterments for dressing you would not need a full-service CD transformation service and just need to coordinate makeup, nails, photos, etc.
I used a CD service while traveling through London because Ms Lola had all the items I was not traveling with.
Check out Lisa Boehm. Very trans friendly and a top-notch makeup pro. She's also a very nice person. She splits her time between Portland and Seattle. She's much in demand so it would be best to contact her ASAP. I went to her twice when I was in Portland for 10 days in 2020. Fantastic makeovers. Here's her listing on CDH.
While not in Seattle I can highly recommend Victoria at Over The Rainbow Transformation. She has relocated to Rainier, WA and yes it's a good drive but she is exceptional. A CDH member I've talked to went to see her last year and loved it. I personally have been to her previous location in Oregon many times.
Call, don't email