Managing Ambassador Maria and the entire staff of Crossdresser Heaven are pleased to announce the winners of the Anniversary Challenge Contest celebrating the tenth birthday of the founding of our online home. The theme was to describe what Crossdresser Heaven means to the entrants in the form of a Newspaper Headline or Song Title in twenty-five words or less.
Our winners were: Triesste for her song title, “Dresses, Tresses, and Stopping the Presses!”, Nancy Gamms for the headline, “CDH – the biggest closet on the interwebs”, and Kelly Terry with her entry, “CDH is the only place I can talk truthfully to people and find out what I really want to do.”
Selections were made by a vote among CDH Managers and Ambassadors (who were not eligible to win). The prize for each victor was a three month’s subscription upgrade to Duchess level. **Thanks to all our entrants and congratulations to the winners!!
Tags: CDH Social Event crossdresser heaven crossdresser heaven readers
Congratulations ! Very beautiful !
Oh my how beautiful wow
Stunningly beautiful
Whose picture is that?