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I was discussing the difference between panties and underwear with my wife. I was trying to explain to her that there is a significant difference between the two. Men wear underwear, and women wear panties. She says they are the same thing. I tried to explain to her that panties are special in their own way. Women's panties, for me, are soft and sexy. Whereas Underwear are very basic and, in my opinion, not sexy. I went on to tell her she doesn't appreciate panties the way I do because she has been able to wear them her whole life. It has been a lifelong journey transitioning to wearing only women's panties every day and women's clothes when I can. As a cross-dresser, I believe we truly appreciate everything that women are able to wear, and for me, especially a sexy pair of panties. Theoretically, they may be the same, but in my Cross Dresser mind, they are far different, and I appreciate a pair of panties more so than I ever would men's underwear. Would you agree?
I agree with you 100%, panties are definitely different than underwear. Men’s underwear Blah. There is nothing like wearing soft satin panties.
Panties is possibly a derivative of pants suggesting a smaller size befitting women. Both are garments under the the generic word underwear. To women panties are the same as pants as they serve a function. Of course guys have their best as do women and it is the interpretation we as crossdressers apply to panties that make them special. Panties are distinct female attire due to the cut and style which aren't designed for men. There are satin pants for men ....
I agree totally, panties are more fun to see and wear. I often think I an wearing more sexy than a lot of ladies I see out in public..lol
I'm afraid I wear 'underwear' as in men's underpants. I have thought about wearing panties but not to put too fine a point on it, where do you put your junk? It must fall out all over the place!
I just love the variety for women's panties. There is always something sexy and new to try. Men's underwear are all the same and boring.
Panties are underwear, they are made to fit wemen, not to accommodate a man's wiggly bits. I have a lot of thongs. Most of them I fall out one side or the other. Some of them hold everything just fine. Most other styles of panties hold me just fine. Boy shorts are like boxer briefs. I have 1 pair of "underwear " that I kept. Only because they are silk but I have yet to wear them again after starting to dress. Silk boxers. I don't like how they fit, like a potato sack just hanging there.
I have been wearing panties for so long I don't think about it at all. I don't think there are any men's briefs in my house lol
Chelly -
Thank you for this topic. It has elicited many interesting responses.
I wear panties on a daily basis when at home and have on occasion underdressed outside the house. When I do there is no VPL so with the exception of medical personnel should I need to go to the Emergency Room no one would know.
As to the question panties vs. underwear, I find panties to be much more comfortable than underwear. Obviously there is a much wider selection of style, color/patterns and materials in panties than in male underwear. I also find that panties are a lighter material than underwear which makes them more comfortable and cooler to wear. Another thing for me, I need to wear pads due to leakage issues (sorry if TMI) but I find that panties hole them better than underwear do, after all I'm sure that is taken into consideration in the design (just an FYI - wearing a pad helps to give a smooth front).
I hope to one day be able to get rid of my underwear and only wear panties only time will tell, have to keep the wife happy.
The only time I wear those ugly drab underwear is going to the DR but as soon as I get home their off and I'm back to my favorites. Any other time it is definitely panties. I have so many pairs one of my favorites is Hanes microfiber hipsters, they are so comfortable and hold everything in great. I have found others that fit good too but there are to many to list!! LOL But it been a trial and error at times to find what fits and wears best. Years ago I found some drab nylon underwear but they didn't fit like panty's so they didn't last long and I threw them out. I do mainly wear hipsters and bikini mostly some briefs when I'm in leggings or pantyhose and I do like to know I'm showing panty lines.. HE HE
all my underwear is made for women and long ago discarded my male ones. I love the fabrics and design so now they are natural to me. Also love the feeling of lace and frills when worn in drab
I have a drawer full, at last count 29 pair. And that's really packing them all in to one drawer. But when a well-made pair of flashy floral panties is on sale, I buy them. My collection is mostly VF brand in everything but beige. Then also some very glossy shapers which throughout the day, draw everything up and in to create a smooth front. I wear panties 24/7. Even when visiting kids over the holiday season. For me, I love to open the panty drawer and see the tremendous variety of colors and patterns.
Panties are just a type of underwear, and underwear is just a bland term for lingerie which just means undergarments (any even more bland term). Panties and lingerie have come to be associated with women probably because there is so much more choice and can be used as a form of expression. Men typically just do not put any effort into their lingerie. A T-shirt and some cotton briefs are about it. There are some nice silk boxers out there, or some good boxer briefs, but typically they are just boring, while panties can be so much more. Needless to say, I prefer panties and have been exclusively a panty man for years.
I am fascinated by the diversity of shapes and colors of women's clothing. I have worn men's underwear similar to panties, and it is not the same either. I feel better in women's panties. They call these underwear sexy, but I don't like them, especially the ones with a genital pouch.
kisses from Carla
Definitely panties! Such a wonderful feeling of peace and calm when fully dressed under. Today I am attending a semi formal luncheon with matching powder blue panties, camisole, garters and stockings. I’m happy the navy blue suit slacks have a nice liner in them!