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Who Am I?

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Posts: 34
Managing Ambassador
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Eminent Member     B.F.E., Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

     I joined Crossdresser Heaven on December 8, 2016. I spent 2 weeks exploring the site, reading articles and visiting the Forums, trying to understand my feelings about dressing as a woman. Then I discovered the chat room. It took me two days of just watching the interactions of other chat room members before I finally worked up the nerve to actually say something. After that I couldn't wait to get home from work, get dressed as Maria and spend my evenings in the chat room with all my new friends.

I think one of my fondest memories from my early days in chat was the night I almost got banned from CDH. Some of you older members may remember Jane (she was the Assistant Manager at that time). One of my chat friend's name was Jenny and when she came to chat that night I posted "Jenny!! 867-5309" (remember the song by Tommy 2 Tone?). Jane thought I was sending my personal phone number. Thank God the other Ambassadors caught the joke!

Within six months I was promoted to Ambassador where I did the full tour of job assignments (public photos, Forum moderator and finally Editor).  In February of 2018 the then Managing Ambassador Codille approached me privately about taking over the Manager position on CDH. I was astonished, but accepted the offer. I spent several weeks being trained by Codille and on March 10, 2018 ( I assumed the Manager position.

I have an AWESOME Team of Assistant Managers (Rhonda my # (and Best Friend in real life), our ONLY GG Assistant Manager Elly Holborn , Sa•man•thaBillieJay, and the lovely Sabrina (Brina) MacTavish who's editing staff keep the articles flowing!) as well as the Ambassador Team that keep CDH running smoothly. I'm truly grateful to each and every one of you for all that you do!

My job as Managing Ambassador is basically the same as the Human Resources director. I do the hiring and unfortunately the firing of CDH staff. I let my Assistant Managers choose who they want on their team, then I vette them, verify their contact info, add them to the appropriate CDH email group and do the promotion upgrade. I also answer email request from members for such things as resetting passwords, deleting paid membership subscriptions, and general help in site navigation for the less tech savvy members.

     All of these duties now fall to Sa•man•tha Sangthe new Managing Ambassador for CDH. I have accepted the role/title of  'Executive Advisor'. I will still be available to assist in any way possible to Sam, any staff member or any one in need. I can always be reached at

7 Replies
Posts: 6
(@Sarah Shimmer)
Active Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks Maria for your huge contribution to CDH and making it the great community it is today! Bravo on a job well done

Posts: 6
(@Sarah Shimmer)
Active Member
Joined: 4 years ago

I want to thank all the staff working on CDH for doing a wonderful job!

Posts: 1194
Noble Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Maria I must admit I had no concept of what it takes to keep a site like running so smoothly. Aside from TGH It is the first and only site that I have a membership. Thank you first of all for keeping this site safe from unwanted attention. I do not know where you find the time to commit so much energy and thought.Thank you for your introduction and your commitment to a community that only wants to connect with others that always felt alone.

Posts: 1701
Noble Member     niagara falls, ny., New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

wow yes thank you all for all your work you do for this site. that's a lo of responsibility to take on and do. with out this site i would be alone and still wonder why i dress up. but know with C.D.H i don't have to figure out why i dress up. I have come to terms with my desire to dress up. I look better as a female dressed up in a nice dress and make up or a blouse and skirt and make up and heels then that boring male cloths we wear.

Posts: 434
Reputable Member     Long Island , New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Thank you Maria so much for what you and the rest of the CDH staff do. I'm 72 and over the years I have accessed many different sites addressing our community. I say without a doubt that CDH is the best site I have encountered. It is very well run and I get a feeling that the people really care. Thank you again.
Yours Terri

Posts: 1461
Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 13 years ago

Maria, thank you for serving our community with care, kindness and strength. You've helped keep the beacon alight for our community, and have created a place of refuge for those who are hurting and confused.

I appreciate you!

Posts: 2175
Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I remember that night in chat-a lesson in cultural differences (like the differing definition of thongs i US vs Australia LOL)/ Great job as the torch of day to day management of site passed frpm V to Codille to you and now Sa-Man-tha. I have no doubt that she will do an amazing job just as the three predecessors did and /i look forward to serving for years to come as the greeter of our members as they join..


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