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I shall be seventy this year and I get the impression that there are quite a few other mature ladies on this forum. I was musing as to how old we all actually are as many of our photographs belie our true age because we are so adept at makeup and disguising our genetic selves. I thought I'd put up a quick poll to see the general age of people. I suspect that most of us are of a 'certain age' and if I am correct, I wonder why it is that we are here, doing what we do, now.
Please comment if you like but don't feel the need to come out about your number of years on this Earth.
NB I've put myself down as 70's because it's not far enough away to make a lot of difference 🙁
I hypothesize that those commercials with trucks and cowboy hats, (this is US, I do know that this is weird in the rest of the world to advertise meds) have a connection. They are advertising meds to enhance testosterone for we the getting older types. Testosterone levels go down as we get older. Only my hypothesis, is some of us have this character, already, and as the testosterone becomes less to the forefront in our brain chemistry, letting ourselves explore more, or even pushing the urge to explore more. I do assume that those meds are meant for guys that panic, and want to push all of it back. I have no expertise in any of this, so don't take anything I have said seriously. I'm middle-aged. I've had my womanhood all my life, but hitting middle age made it nearly impossible to ignore.
Hi Becca, Now that I know I am intersex, and truly a woman, I can say this: "A girl never gives out her age!"
The people who know me now, all think I am 15 years younger than number of times I've gone around the sun.
Ms. Lauren M
I wish I could have started cross dressing to the degree I do now, back in my late twenties or early thirties. But maybe I wasn't ready until now. I'm sure my makeup skills would be absolutely amazing!
Hugs, Jill
Since my female self is a product of my imagination, I imagine she is at least 20 years younger than my male self. For me this "youthening" quality is yet another advantage of crossdressing!
I am in my 70s, although I look younger. Add cosmetics, a pretty wig, cute dress, and that probably takes off additional years too.
Over the last couple of decades, I've been active with about three different support groups.
In one group, almost every member was in their 60s or older. The other two groups had a nice blend of ages, ranging from their 30s to 70s, which made for better groups, with a more realistic view of the real world.
crossdressing comes with age? This is what we can suppose after first few results.
I am 30 years old, although my host body is nearing obsolescence 😼
"Both of me" are in their mid 70's and happy to be there.
Me; 65. Just wish I had the oppertunity a lot of years ago. But totally not possible for so many reasons. parents, were I lived, money being a big one. That is before trying to overcome shyness.
Would have been so good having youth on your side.
Never mind.
Hi Becca,
I'm 71 this year,
I started dressing in the early 60's when you were sent to prison for being Gay, so if you were a crossdresser you kept it well hidden, even today I'm still in the closet and the only people who know are all the girls on here,
It must be great having an understanding SO who lets you dress when ever you want, I've had these thoughts about coming out many times but never plucked up the courage,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
I'm 70 and though I dabbled in crossdressing throughout my life it wasn't until a few years ago that I came out to my wife and accepted that I am a crossdresser and have a feminine side I need to express. The mention of lower testosterone levels is interesting and may have something to do with it. I had ED for a few years before coming out to my wife. Due to my lack of performance she asked if wearing pantyhose would help to stimulate me. That led to a conversation on my part about other female clothing (bras, panties, dresses, et al). Needless to say that conversation didn't go well for some time. There were many discussions and eventually she came to accept this part of me. Now she will buy Suzanne things, get mani-pedi's with me in drab, I'm able to dress fir the day when she is home (not often but occasionally) and other things.
I think that as we get older a couple things happen. First our social environment changes - loss of parents, empty nest syndrome and retirement are a few. Secondly hormonal changes. Third realizing and accepting ourselves for who we are. Fourth and a big one for me is discovering, via the internet and sites like this, that I am not alone and ther is nothing wrong with what I do.
I often ponder how my life would have been different had I accepted this part of me in my 20's or 30's but that ship has sailed. All I can do is accept myself for who I am now and enjoy my journey.
Drab me is 55 but Fiona looks and feels more like 40, crows-feet aside 😉
Agreeing with a lot of the reasons being expressed here for the prevalence of ladies of the more mature nature, which also apply to me. I think the only real difference is, I missed out on the decades of denial because I never realised that I had a feminine side until a few years ago - that's probably a factor of the autistic spectrum which runs in my family.
I'm 64 and hot 🔥 !
I'm going to be 58, but it's as if I were 48. This last decade is one to forget.
Michelle I love that you are a horny guy!
Kisses from Carla