Lucy's First Trip O...
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Lucy's First Trip Out

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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In November last year, I wrote an article called ‘The Evolution of Lucy’, telling my story from the last few years. In it, I mentioned my first venture out as Lucy in December 2022. As a result of that, several girls asked me to write about the event, and so finally, here it is.

I did briefly make it out in October 2022 to a drive-thru Starbucks, but I didn’t class this as my first trip out as I’d not done what I set out to do, which was to go inside. I began to make plans for a “real” trip out. In the run-up to Christmas, I’d be on my own as my wife would be away collecting the mother-in-law for the holidays. This became my planned time to venture out.

I decided that before this date I needed to return to Starbucks, this time going inside to get used to being seen out before attempting anything more adventurous. Sure enough, I headed back there sometime in November, but when I arrived, I completely froze and went through the drive-thru again. I drove home on something of a downer.

As the December weekend approached, my confidence levels were plummeting. I had plans to park at a shopping area on Saturday afternoon and walk around, maybe going for a coffee. I wanted to repeat the process on Sunday somewhere else.

Would I or wouldn’t I though?

As my wife headed away on that appointed Saturday morning, I had tasks to do during the morning and planned to go out in the afternoon. Well, the afternoon came, and I found more and more tasks to do. It was almost 3 pm, and I realised I was leaving things to run a little late.

I decided to test the water by going to Starbucks again, (see if I had the confidence to go shopping on Sunday.) For the third time, I headed to Starbucks. As it was a December afternoon, it was turning dark by the time I arrived. I got out of the car, stood nervously for a moment or two, and then just went for it and walked in. To my delight, the place was fairly quiet. Two tables were occupied, and no one was at the counter.

With a slightly shaky voice, I ordered a latte and a muffin. The girl behind the counter was perfectly fine with me. As it was Starbucks, she asked my name for the coffee; for the first time ever, I gave my name as Lucy out loud.

At a table, I removed my coat and sat down. I was wearing a purple cord skirt and some matching woolly tights, (as I have quite hairy legs.) I became more confident as time went on. As people came in, it didn’t concern me. I had plans to go to a Next store where there were some shoes I’d been viewing online that were in stock.

I was usually happy picking women’s shoes and clothes from racks and buying them in drab, but had never taken the opportunity to try anything on. It was 4:30, Next was 20 minutes away and open until 5:30. Why not just go in and try them on? So that’s exactly what I did…

The store was in a busy retail park. It was dark outside by the time I arrived. I strode inside confidently and wandered around browsing the ladies’ items. When I’d previously done this in drab, I always felt a little odd, but this felt wonderful.

I eventually found the shoes and sat down to try them on. They were Mary Jane style shoes. I had to concentrate when fastening up the buckles, so I didn’t sit with my legs wide open. After all, I was a lady in a skirt!

Walking around a little, they seemed to fit, but the tights I wore were far thicker than the ones I would normally wear. This left me with a dilemma as to whether to buy them. I resolved to put them back and return the following day wearing sheer tights. I  left the store empty-handed and drove home.

I couldn’t believe what I’d got up to! I’d “only” intended to go out for a coffee, but felt as if I’d done far more than that. When I arrived home, as it was dark, I just exited the car in full Lucy mode and went into the house. I changed, but stayed in Lucy mode all evening, and overnight.

The following day, I needed to be out all morning meeting some friends for a dog walk, and it was in boy mode until lunchtime. As a result, once again, it ended up being later than intended to get ready to go out.

This trip was to another town centre with a mostly outdoor shopping area. I wanted to get a gift card for someone for Christmas from a coffee chain called Café Nero.

It was quite a vile day with strong winds and rain. I wore trousers so I could wear sheer tights to try on the shoes. I’d had the foresight to buy Lucy an umbrella but decided that the strong winds would make it redundant, so I had to wear my normal waterproof on top.

I arrived at the open-air car park and set off into town. When I reached Café Nero and looked in through the window, I was horrified. It was extremely busy, and there was quite a queue at the counter. My confidence drained, and I made to walk away. I stopped, looked up at the rain, and thought,  “What the Hell” and I walked in.

I made my way to the counter not making eye contact with anyone. The queue was particularly slow-moving, but eventually, it was my turn. I ordered coffee and then remembered the gift card. I asked, in what I hoped was a softer version of my usual voice, but they were sold out.

I chose a seat at the far end of the café, with my back to the wall, to see everyone. I took off my waterproof, put down my handbag, and sat down. While I drank my coffee, I noticed two ladies at a table in front of me. The younger one had her back to me, and the older one faced me. She glanced at me every so often. I’d meet her eye contact and she moved her gaze back to her companion. I was feeling quite confident again by now.

After a while, I looked at my watch, time to get to Next before they closed. The shopping area was quieter, and the echo of my fast-moving block heels was the only sound I heard as making my way back to the car park. I made it to Next with 15 minutes to spare. I strode straight to the shoes and tried them on again. Like Cinderella, they fit perfectly!

While I was walking around in them, a lady came around a corner close to me and looked directly at me. I felt like a rabbit caught in headlights. She just smiled, said Hi, and carried on. I was amazed, there wasn’t a hint of amusement in her face, it was just a very warm smile.

I’m pretty darned sure she made me. I’m also sure that she wouldn’t have smiled at me in that way if I’d been in boy mode. I figured I’d just been treated as a woman by another woman. It felt great!

Eventually, I took the shoes to the counter and paid. The young guy behind the counter was perfectly professional and even wished me a nice evening. Once again, I drove home feeling on top of the world.

So, ladies, it can be done. If the thought terrifies you, it’s quite normal.

As I write this, I haven’t been out for a few months, and the thought of doing it again still terrifies me, but I know for certain that I will.

Lucy x







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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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Hi Lucy, that's a wonderful account of your experience. It's great to overcome the fears and get out isn't it? Like you I have found very few people take any notice, and I believe you did absolutely the right thing making eye contact with the older lady - and on occasion I have found smiling to those who look at you quizzically can break the ice.

Perhaps there are always going to be occasions when we have those moments of uncertainty about going out dressed, but overall I have found it eventually gets very easy most of the time. I have never bothered to try and imitate a female voice, but that has never been a problem.

I hope you get many more opportunities to go out again soon to build your confidence and feel the deep enjoyment we get as a result.

Ant thanks again for a wonderful article.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Rebecca,

Yes it is quite surprising really how few people even notice.

Everyone is generally too busy doing their own thing

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@lucyb112 Congratulations Lucy. As nerve racking as stepping out can be , it’s a great feeling of courage and confidence as well. Hope you have many more trips out.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Ashley,

Yes, I’m looking forward to the next one whenever that may be

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@lucyb112 Maybe a Leeds First Friday with me and Jacqui? I'm going to PM you both about something ...

Ellie x

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@lucyb112 I think when someone makes the decision to go out in public dressed, it's an intense desire to have the femme experience.

When I first went out, I drove around a lot and, looked for places to stop where I could get out of the car and walk around. When I would stop at a red light with cars next to me. my heart would begin to pound. I was so nervous. I wondered if I was being looked at. I just looked straight ahead. The car to my left could clearly see my breasts and pretty hair. The car to my right, the same thing, but maybe they could see my legs too. Those in a truck or higher vehicle on either side could look down and no doubt see my thighs. That was exciting and scary. Were they looking? I was afraid to look.

And if anyone was crossing, they walked right next to me. Did they see me? Did they notice my pretty hair, breasts and sexy legs? I would often be so nervous and excited. Sometimes a drive was enough femme experience.

Then I began getting bolder. I got out of the car and walked past and among people. I went into stores, walked around and browsed girl's clothes. Eventually I decided I was going to buy my first pantyhose while femme. I was scared to death when I got on the cashier line. I was in my little shorts, platform wedges and pantyhose, and I'm buying pantyhose. Crazy. I was trembling and sweating while waiting and paying. But when I walked out of the store, it was such an amazing feeling and thrill.

I began buying most of my pantyhose dressed that way to feel that thrill again. I even had a few interactions, getting complimented on having nice legs and shoes. I got asked if the pantyhose I was buying was what I was wearing and was politely notified I had a run in my stocking. Which is probably why I was buying some new pairs. I even began wearing pantyhose with runs in them when I went out, so I could be politely notified again. It was exciting just realizing they noticed I was wearing pantyhose.

Then my next big and bold adventure was trying on and maybe buying shoes. That took weeks just to build up the nerve to go into the store. I figured I would just go in, slip on a pair of shoes, walk around in them a little, take them off and leave. When I finally got the nerve to go in. I went over to the shoes. I thought I was being watched. People even walked past me in my aisle. I was nervous and was going to leave. Then I thought if they want to watch me put on shoes and walk around, I'll give them a show.

I changed shoes, stood up, posed a few times then walked past my onlookers to the mirrors and did some more posing. When I began walking back to my aisle, I looked back at my onlookers and did a thumbs up and yes nod, then a thumbs down and no nod. I got all thumbs up and yes nods. That was fun. Lets try another pair. I enjoyed putting on a show for them. I enjoyed their approvals and some interactions and compliments I got.

I began doing a lot of shopping en femme. Even if I didn't buy much, it was a thrill. And a girl can always use pantyhose.

I got bolder and bolder. I went out more. I did more things when femme. I walked around the college campus, I went to parties. I met others. Went out with my girlfriend shopping and on girl dates. My emotions ranged from being totally terrified to feeling incredible excitement and euphoria.

I sometimes felt I don't need all this fear and excitement. This is nuts. But I loved it to much to stop.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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That’s wonderful Patty.

Once the door is pushed open, even slightly, there’s no closing it again! 

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Posts: 2296

That's so true Lucy. For those like me it's years of fantasies dreams and desires to have the femme experience. With all the fear, nervousness and anxiety that often occurs, you would have to be nuts to want to go though that over and over again to wait on the thrill and excitement and femme experience that often follows. Like another girl said to me once. Some enjoy bungee jumping, some enjoy parachuting, I enjoy crossdressing. That actually makes sense to me. The adrenaline rush is worth the nervousness.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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It certainly is an adrenaline rush.

I don’t get out that often, but every time an opportunity is on the horizon, the doubts begin to surface again. Will I or won’t I?

I’ve even been back in drab to a couple of the places I’ve been as Lucy and while I’ve been there I’ve thought to myself “How the heck did I manage to do that?”

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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I've chickened out so many times. I'm sure for one time I had the nerve and did it, I chickened out 20 times.

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Estimable Member     Greenville, South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 81

Hi Patty,
That rush seems to be something we all experience as we step out. That rush of facing and overcoming our fear. My goal is to get past that. Getting out more definitely increases the confidence levels, going to new places still gives me some anxiety issues but now, when returning to the same place, I don't even think about it. This is the place I want to reach, that place where I no longer have that fear, anxiety, or thrill if you want, about going out ANYWHERE, at any time. Women don't, they don't think about who or what they are as they go to the store, or restaurant, it's just natural. That's where I want to be, where the woman inside me has become me, I'm not someone dressing up and playing female, I AM Jennifer, where what I do, where I go, isn't something to fear or get a rush from, it's just natural. Just a normal thing. I feel that as long as I feel the fear, that's still the male inside me, knowing that I am not what I am appearing to be on the outside, I am still a male, playing a role that I hope others will accept. We don't experience the same fears when in drab because we know we are who we appear to be, we are not acting, not playing a role, we just are. I've been super fortunate to have met a transsexual friend who has been a woman for around 5 years, she's been a most supporting and calming friend as we step out into these places that are new to me, I work to become as natural a woman as she is.
A large part also, at 75, I've finally gotten to the point where my give a crap factor about what anyone else thinks is at historically low levels. I pay my own bills, care for my own house, take care of myself, whatever anyone thinks has no bearing on my well being, they have no right to infringe upon my happiness. Friends, real friends, are happy for their friends happiness. And well, as a friend says, there's just no one to take me away. 🙄

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@jenniferr I first began going out when I was 17. I was very nervous most of the time but I had some incredibly exciting and thrilling adventures.

I never got comfortable with going out in public. There was always fear and nervousness but pretty much always excitement and thrill follows.

But I also think if I got totally comfortable with going out, there would be no thrill and excitement that follows. If that became the case, I might not want to dress and go out anymore.


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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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I’ve seen that very sentiment on here a few times to be honest.

I get what you mean. I’m not sure I’ll ever get out and about often enough for it to become totally comfortable 

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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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There was times when I was so nervous, I would chicken out and not be able to even get out of the car. But I kept going back to what I wanted to do. Most times I was able to do it and relished the thrill and excitement I got from it.

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Estimable Member     Greenville, South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 81


 I can understand what you're saying, we dress for different purposes.   For you it's the thrill, like previously mentioned  bungee jumping.  It's not really about becoming a woman, the dressing is like the parachute, a vehicle to achieve a thrill.    I've had enough scares in my life, wars and accidents and cancers, spent too much time overcoming fears, had enough thrills to last me for another lifetime, now I just want to be the woman I've always known I've been inside, like normal, that woman that the fear kept a prisoner for my entire life.    She's been scared long enough, now, at this stage of my life, she doesn't want a thrill, she just wants to be quietly accepted. 






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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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it was suggested to me that I like to dress the way girls I want to be intimate with dress, or I'm creating a fantasy girl that I can try to become. I think all of that is true. I can get excited seeing that fantasy a girl in a mirror, knowing she is me.That is an amazing feeling and experience.

If I go out in a short dress, pantyhose and heels, I know I'm going to get looks and attention. The fear of getting unwanted attention or unwanted suitors, I think is what gives me the fear and anxiety as I'm getting ready to present Patty to the world. Somewhere around that moment, if I get past the fear, it seems to change to excitement. If I get looks, attention or friendly interactions, like a compliment, I'm over the moon with thrills.

I don't think I want my dressing to feel normal. That may be more comfortable natural, but in spite of the fear and anxiety, I really do love the thrill while presenting myself in femme form.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@lucyb112 That sounds like a wonderful experience and a huge boost for your confidence

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Anna, you’re right on both counts! 

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Magnificent, Lucy! I don't blame you for any of the moments of hesitation, doubt and fear you felt, but I applaud you for having the sheer pluck to overcome them. I don't think I'd be so brave, but never say never. Here's to the next time!

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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@jacquelinelarkspur I’m sure you will one day soon Jacqui, I’m still in awe of your Leeds night out!

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Congratulations Lucy on getting out in the world as your authentic self.  It's great that you posted this article as I'm sure that it will serve as encouragement for those who have yet to venture out.   As we have found, people are into their own things and don't really notice others.   Even if we do get notices, the vast majority of the time there is either no recognition or a positive reaction.

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@lauren114 Thank you Lauren

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Brilliant, Lucy! Feel the fear and do it anyway (as the book title goes). Huge respect, girl.

Allie x

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@alexina Thanks Allie

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Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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Lucy, you put your big girl panties on and did it, good for you. I'm still waiting for the full on dress and go out myself but reading your story helps fill in the blanks. Sure I'll be nervous and I might back out but there's nothing wrong with that, just keep going forward and I'll be there and in the end a happy girl enjoying myself just like you!


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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Sherri,

You’re quite right, there’s nothing wrong with backing out.

It’s terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure.

The hardest part is actually plucking up the courage to leave the car when you first arrive. Once that’s achieved, then it gets easier 

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Estimable Member     Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Hi Lucy,

Great article, thanks for sharing!  I can relate to the feeling of exhilaration that you feel after your first successful outing.  It definitely makes you want to do it again as soon as possible, so its brilliant that you were able to go out again the very next day!

I'm very impressed that you went to buy a coffee and shopping on your first trip out and interact with people.  I've been out half a dozen times now but have usually just walked around town and browsed in department stores, trying my best to avoid speaking to people due to lack of a decent femme voice (sometimes unsuccessfully much to my surprise, but that's another story!).  A trip to a coffee shop is definitely my next goal, and I'm thinking Café Nero might be the way to go since it usually has gender neutral toilets too 🙂

Hope you get a chance to go out and about again soon.


Amy X



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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Amy,

Thanks for the kind comments.

Yes I surprised myself with what I did at the time. There’s been nothing any more adventurous since, although I have had a coffee at a branch of Costa, which also has gender neutral toilets.

That’s a good point to mention actually for anyone planning a trip. Potential toilet stops also need to be part of the plan.

I don’t really have a femme voice by the way, it’s just a slightly higher and softer version of my own voice, and I’ve had very little opportunity to use it

Lucy x

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Estimable Member     Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Posted by: @lucyb112

Yes I surprised myself with what I did at the time.


I know what you mean.  I think its the adrenaline rush that you get from being out which makes you want to push yourself further than you'd planned!

Amy X


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(@Anonymous 95235)
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Hi Lucy heart was starting to race towards the end !! A lovely story of your first steps as for me I'm still at the door peering out  !  I took one 15 minute walk around where I live it was dark about 6 in the morning but plenty of people around as its near a busy tube station. I was wearing what could be called a secretary look! It felt wonderful but I started to get nervous as it was getting lighter so went home.  Once I get make up done it will be a bit more adventurous but at the moment it's like being a plane waiting to make a first parachute jump. All the best and keep us all updated xx



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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thank you Samantha,

Going out for a walk is still going out. It’s also the first step for a lot of us. I tried that in about 1978. Hopefully it won’t be 40 odd years before your next one


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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Hi Samantha! I can totally empathise with your "peering out the door" feelings. Frustrating, isn't it, to be so close yet so far away. To finally open that door and step outside is an amazing and scary experience in itself, as you've already discovered. I hope it's not long before you take those next steps.

(@Anonymous 95235)
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Thank you Jacqueline

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(@Anonymous 95235)
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Lucy, wow! Such an inspirational story. I think I can wholeheartedly agree that I would feel exactly the same if I was in your shoes. The nervousness and excitement, but you conquered it…good times. Thanks for sharing.

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@tamiya4u Thank you Tamiya

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Estimable Member     California, United States of America
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That’s a wonderful story, Lucy. Thank you. I don’t know that I’ll ever find the courage to go out fully dressed (I don’t think I’d blend well). But if I do, it will be because of inspirational stories like yours.

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Thanks Sally,

It’s great to think I may have inspired you.

By the way, many of us do our best to blend, but I don’t think very many of us really expect to pass

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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awesome for you Lucy! going out fully dressed in public certainly a process and taken in baby steps

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Leah,

Yes you’re quite right about that.

Hopefully, anyone reading this and still in the baby steps stage will realise that it’s quite normal

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Prominent Member     Idaho, United States of America
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Thanks for sharing. I've had the similar experience. You dress up to go to one place, and it's so fun you start trying to think of reasons to go to other places. I've had similar experiences where people do double takes or seem to look at you longer than normal. They might even say something, but they're always nice. I think it's normal for people to be curious when, in my case, I don't pass very well, but they're usually friendly about it.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Yes I think confidence just builds once you’ve made that first step.

There’s a definite feeling of not wanting it to end. 
And passing is overrated anyway.

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Prominent Member     The Hub City, New Jersey, United States of America
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Hi Lucy - I'm so glad that your first experience went well. It very much mirrors my own, tight down to the Starbucks cashier asking your name and you saying it aloud for the first time. All an experience you will remember, relate to others many times and will always find yourself looking to the next time with excited anticipation!

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Kris,

Yes, it’s something I would like to do more regularly, but circumstances mean it probably won’t be often enough to become truly comfortable with it.

I’m looking forward to part 2 of your story…….

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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That is wonderful Lucy and having aborted trips is quite normal. But you got out in the car and no mention of the fears that can had just driving around. So  your success is another positive for others to follow which is what we like to read.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Thanks Angela,

Yes, a good part of the reason for writing it was to maybe make others who are considering going out realise that it’s definitely possible 

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Estimable Member     Northern Michigan , Michigan, United States of America
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I get so excited when I go out feminine and girly.

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Yes it’s really quite fun isn’t it?

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Estimable Member     Northern Michigan , Michigan, United States of America
Posts: 72

@lucyb112 yes, so exciting.  My wife will be going out of town for a week soon. I will be dressing everyday  ! Starbucks here I come ! (Macy's also)

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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That’s great Michelle.

My wife went away for a week last year and I also dressed every day. It was wonderful 

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Estimable Member     New Jersey, United States of America
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Lucy, this is a great article detailing your first trip out! While I have been out of the house as Sophie I wouldn't consider it a real trip out. It was to go shopping and try some things on in a very private setting. I did drive as Sophie, but the trip was made in the evening and the sun was getting low in the sky. By the time I got home it was almost dark, which was good for not being noticed by other people in the neighborhood.

Despite the sheltered nature of my trip, it was absolutely exhilarating to be somewhere other than my living room as Sophie. Next step is to make a "real" trip out. I have been trying to do this for some time, but the right opportunity hasn't presented itself,

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Noble Member     Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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Yes it is exhilarating isn’t it?

I’m sure you’ll get a chance sooner or later 

(@Anonymous 95235)
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@sophie85 you might think about a trip to Glamour Boutique…depending on where you are in NJ, it may be very convenient for you. You will love shopping there as Sophia!

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Estimable Member     New Jersey, United States of America
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@chanel Glamour Boutique is the a great little gem we have in NJ.  While it isn't close to where I live, it is well worth making the trip.

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