Learn how to pass as a woman

Have you been out dressed in public before?

If you have you probably know the fear that comes with taking those first steps out into the world, and the constant anxiety of being read. Passing in public is the holy grail for crossdressers, but too many see it as an impossible challenge far out of reach. It doesn’t have to be.

On Crossdresser Heaven you’ll find many articles on how to crossdress – you’ll learn about the importance of smiling, how you carry yourself and the subtle cues that give your secret away. What you wear can be just as important as your mannerisms and voice. As you browse the site you’ll find advice on how to choose the appropriate clothes, as well as where to find larger size clothes and shoes that will fit you better.

If anything stands out about our community it is the sisterhood that we share. We learn and grow together – our mistakes and discoveries make it easier for those who follow to blossom. So instead of writing another article on how to crossdress, I want to hear from you:

What works for you? How do you ensure that you pass in public? How do you react if you’re read?

I encourage you to take a moment to share some of the wisdom you’ve acquired in your journey. It might just be the distinction that a new girl needs to get her started.

Advice for how to pass as a woman

From the Crossdresser Heaven community: – scroll down to the comments to see the advice and add your own!

En Femme Style

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I’m passionate about creating a safe space for everyone in the transgender community to find laughter and friendship on their journey. I completed my physical transition in 2011 and through it I lost everything, and gained everything. I am blessed that I was forced to gaze inward and embark on the journey to discover and live my authentic self. My deepest wish is that all who wander here may find peace, happiness and freedom.

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Jeannie Johns
3 years ago

Love reading all the comments about stepping out. My first time out in public, I was terrified. But I knew I had to do it for myself. I decided to go to the mall. Before I went I spent almost 2 hours getting ready. I wanted to make sure my makeup was just right. I changed outfits 2 or three times. Finally I felt I had everything right. I grabbed my purse and drove to the mall. While I drove I practiced my voice, but hoped no one would talk to me. When I got there I sat in the… Read more »

Janine FictitiousNAME
Janine FictitiousNAME
2 years ago

I can already tell that this is going to be a wonderful Community for me to be a part of. Lots to learn from the experience found within here! I desire to pass in public I just need to glean Knowledge from those have done it before me and have the patience to learn before I venture out as the feminine me

Barbie Satin
2 years ago

I think that being worried about passing keeps many girls who could be out in the world having lives sitting in the closet living in fear. I am 6’6 tall and I liked wearing 5 inch heels. That put me up to 6’11. I was never going to pass in public no matter what so I never even tried. I went out dressed anyway. I would tell myself I had just as much right to a life out in the world as anyone else. My first time out was to meet another CD. She lived about 45 miles away and… Read more »

Heather Smith
1 year ago

I started cross dressing at age 74 – 3 years ago. I went from under dressing with panties only to going occasionally full femme over a period of 2 years. In July of last year I went public for the 1st time. I was on an overnight trip (several nights) and took along my favorite dress, bra, forms, etc. I changed in the motel room and headed out in my car. I wasn’t familiar with the town I was in so I headed to the nearest park to walk around. If I encountered people, fine. If not, that was fine,… Read more »

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