“Why I love travelling en femme”

I try to challenge myself to new experiences en femme. And one new experience in 2022 was a weekend trip entirely en femme. I had planned that trip for a couple of months, knowing that my wife would be travelling elsewhere with her friends on that weekend. I was not being secretive about that plan. My wife knew what I was up to.

I had booked a hotel in Stuttgart / Germany from Friday to Sunday. I had made reservations for Friday night at a well-rated small restaurant, I booked an opera ticket for Saturday night, and I had checked the local museum scene in order to visit an exhibition on Sunday morning. For transportation, I had purchased first-class train tickets which allowed me to reserve a single seat rather than having to share a double seat in a possibly very crowded train on a Friday afternoon.

There are several aspects that make travelling en femme particularly exciting: Preparation – the many hours I have spent envisioning the trip, the things I was planning to do, and the outfits I was planning to wear – was lots of fun. Getting ready – a few weeks before, I dropped off my blonde wig at my hairdresser for washing, care and styling. The weekend before, I redid my toenails and two days before, I had my arms waxed. The evening before, I trimmed my eyebrows and glued tips to my fingernails.

Discovering new places – that is a fun part in travelling anyway, but even more so when dressed en femme, hence, taking in things from a different perspective. Commitment – taking the train to a place hundreds of kilometers from the safety of your home prevents you from simply backing out. I also – deliberately – did not bring any men’s clothes or shoes. I had contemplated that issue for a couple of weeks and only made the decision two hours before I left. I simply did not want to give myself the opportunity for an easy way out – and I ran out of space in my suitcase :-). What is the risk in that? A huge amount of humiliation, in case something would go terribly wrong. No risk, no fun, they say.

EnFemme Style

On that Friday of my departure, I had reserved ample time to get ready and to get packed. I had made a check list to prevent forgetting anything to bring along. Around 1 pm, Franziska headed out the door for Frankfurt central station with a suitcase full of dresses, shoes, lingerie, a dressing gown, jewelry, make-up, etc., and a broad smile on her face as you can imagine. After two uneventful hours on the ICE high speed train, reading a women’s fashion magazine, Franziska arrived at Stuttgart central station, walked to the hotel, checked in, changed to outfit #2, and headed out to dinner. Checking in provided for a short moment of anxiety, when the guy behind the counter said: “Is it correct that the reservation was made by a man?” “Yep,” I answered, “that is correct.”

I’ll share some more pictures of this trip in my private and my public gallery here at CDH in the coming weeks.

Thank you for taking the time to read my article and feel free to offer up any responses you may have to either the article above or the three questions I’ve posed to you below:

  • Does your wife approve of you going out in public while dressed en femme?
  • Where do you usually go when you go out as the feminine version of yourself?
  • Are your experiences going out in public comfortable and easy for you to do and have your experiences out in public en femme always been positive experiences or have you had some difficulties while going out in public you would like to share with me?





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Franziska Frankfurt

I am a married engineer, and I love to crossdress. In recent years, I have ventured out more or less regularly and have taken lots of pictures of my feminine alter ego Franziska. And quite recently, I started to blog about these experiences.

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Kim Hanson
Active Member
1 month ago

@franziskafrankfurt  Hi Franzi, btw, I love your blog, BTW. in response to your questions: my wife would not have approved, but her approval is no longer an issue I go out quite often.  The destinations have ranged from routine chores, like groceries, dry cleaning and auto servicing to more interesting activities, such as coffee/lunch/drinks with friends, tiring arboretums/museums, live theater, and some cross country travel. Going out has proven surprisingly easy for me.   I have had many very surprisingly positive and affirming experiences, and absolutely zero negative ones.   Memorable ones include having spent an afternoon in a car… Read more »

Kim Hanson
Active Member
1 month ago

@franziskafrankfurt  I had a somewhat similar experience with the police.   I was staying in an RV park.  One evening while on a walk, a local constable drove up quickly and demanded to talk with me.   Of course, I obliged.  We were just outside my RV, so I asked if he would be willing to talk inside.   I was informed that someone had called to complain about me.   He asked what was going on and I explained that I was transgender, had been for as long as I could remember, and that all I was doing was… Read more »

Kim Hanson
Active Member
1 month ago

Franzi, Ironically, as the general public grows more accepting, certain reactionary groups and some politicians feed intolerance. I’m hoping that over time these bigots will be repudiated.

Looking forward to the church and Frankfurt posts!

Love, Kim

Lauren Russell
Active Member
1 month ago

@Franziska Frankfurt I have looked at your blog and thoroughly enjoyed the stories of your adventures.  Like you I have an appreciation for art and have started to include art museums in my own adventures.  For some reason, art hits me differently as a woman and it is even more enjoyable!  Thanks for the inspiration Franziska!

Lea Foster
1 month ago

@Franziska Frankfurt Thank you for sharing your travel adventures with us girls and being such an inspiration. You look fabulous and clearly ready for adventure. Travel can be such a fun experience at the best of times but it can be enhanced, dare I say, magical when you travel en femme as your piece shows. I recently had the pleasure of travelling to and from Esprit en femme with a few other girls I was sharing a car with. Its not a geat distance to trvavel but I travelled thousands of miles on my fem journey. It was the first… Read more »

Sarah Kanter
Trusted Member
1 month ago

This is one of my dreams, to travel far away from my home without any male clothing. You look so lovely in your pictures and I’m so happy for you that you had such a a wonderful outing.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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