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Hi Girls!
Anyone else get very strong desires to dress after a breakup? For background, I identify as straight (have thought of other things but doesn't really get me). At the strongest point of the relationship I never feel the urge to dress. But after a breakup I just want to put on something cute. Preferable with skirt and tights. It has happened each time. Does anyone relate to this?
I haven't broken up with anyone since 1986, so no. 🥰
I definitely do. When my first wife and I broke up she left a lot of her clothes with me to pick up later, including some really femme stuff. I couldnt resist 🙂
After I separated from my first wife, who ridiculed me the one time I mentioned Lauryn, I couldn’t wait to express myself as a female. The sexy corset and nightie set were ordered the minute the house sold. I has been a journey since then and the long years of suppression were over. To be clear we didn’t separate over the CD issue though.
Not much use as an answer I'm afraid, but as of end of February this year, I'll have been with my wife for 37 years but only openly cross-dressing around her since September last year because that's really the first time it occurred to me that I wanted to.
Oh yes done that been there. I think for me I'm always trying to repress my feminine feelings when I'm in a relationship - to be a 'manly man' for my new girlfriend. In the last few years I've taken several online gender test and I always get the same results. Almost exactly 50% male and 50% female so my feminine side ain't going anywhere. Denying that fact only makes me miserable
I might yet get to find out. My OH and I have been together since the late Noughties, but I've only discovered Fiona within me in the last couple of years, and I've really only been fully CD for about the last 6 months. Should we end up going our separate ways as a result of The Talk that really has to happen at some point later this year, then I expect I would greatly increase the amount of time I spend as Fiona once back at my place. Probably close to full-time, since I work from there with no video meetings most of the time, and don't go out much. That might not be the eventual balance point, but I could certainly imagine it being the immediate rebound position.
I can relate to this. Having been married multiple times and in many other relationships after each break up I would spend time dressing. Sometimes it was in things left behind (mostly lingerie) and others things I bought and purged. During the relationship(s) there was little desire to dress or more likely it was suppressed. There was a lot of shame and guilt during those times. Needless to say it was a very confusing life I led.
Thankfully, I have not been through a breakup in many years. Although my desire to dress is fairly steady, it definitely increases as a result of other stresses in life. That being said, when I get the chance, I always feel calmer and more relaxed. If it is during a hectic period, even more so.
After my divorce - from a woman who was extra demeaning in general, and moreso regarding CDing - yes, I explored my freedom to do as I wished.
However, I think to keep the experiment true, we'd need to know if you're dressing while in the relationships. If so, then perhaps it's a way of self-soothing - a way to comfort yourself after a stressful experience - which seems perfectly normal. If not, then it'd seem you're just catching up for lost time - also very normal. 🙂
Hi girls
the opposite happened to me. I’m a lifelong closeted cross dresser. My ex knew , did not accepted and always made me feel ashamed of it. We definitely had a DADT relationship. I stayed in the marriage for the kids (total mistake) and dreamed that one day I’d be free and able to explore all my CD dreams. But when the time came to end the marriage the desire to be Natalie pretty much evaporated. The divorce took 4.5 years and was very stressful. In the years past when I was stressed the desire to be feminine was stronger but not this time. All I can think of is that during this period I had so much on my mind and so much going on that I didn’t have the bandwidth to handle it all. Something had to give and it was cross dressing. I did wear panties pretty much daily but that was pretty much it. After the divorce was final it still took time for the desire to come back. Even today ten years later it’s never fully recovered to where it was 25 yrs ago. Some of this is due to other life changes.