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New Year’s Eve and how I attended my first drag show

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Trusted Member     Blackwood , New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

It was December 2023 and I was crossdressing more often and enjoying it posting videos on YouTube and such and I was talking to my mom about what to do for New Year’s Eve and she suggested Nicole and her go out to a party and so we were looking for parties we would be comfortable going to especially for me because Nicole has never been to a party just out to the mall and shopping and stuff and so we decided to go to a New Year’s Eve drag show and the next step or challenge was to find out what I wanted to wear and I had just found SHEIN a month before my mom recommended it to me and I found the black dress you see in my public photos fast forward to New Year’s Eve day I was with my dad and then I left came home showered and shaved yes I shaved my legs and chest then put on a white bra and panties I used dress tech tuck tape to tuck and got my mom to help with a necklace that said Nikki then I put on my red wig and got my purse and heels and I was ready to go my mom said I look really nice I wore some ballet flats I got there then switched to the heels we entered the bar and of course I was a little nervous but I relaxed after a little bit I felt so feminine and felt so good we ate and drank I don’t drink alcohol so I was drinking water they had some games and a drag queen that read your fortune or something like that the show started and let me tell you the performers were awesome I was dancing and having a great time soon midnight struck and Nicole had entered 2024 I felt so happy and feminine and great my mom could tell before we left at 1:30 am I asked my mom to take pictures of me with the drag queens and of course she obliged she was shocked because when I’m in male form I never like my picture being taken but as Nicole I did before we left for the bar and then before we left the bar my mom said I looked pretty and noticed something was different and I told her I put on lipstick and mascara I have never been able to do makeup especially eyeliner so I just do mascara and lipstick when we got home she said she wanted to do it again I think my mom found a way her and Nicole can bond and both have a good time I have another story I will leave that for later @

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

What a wonderful way to get out and also to have a very supporting mother. You looked very nice in your outfit and the makeup really suited you. It is quite clear from what you have written that you are so much more comfortable and confident as Nicole which says that this is the real you and further outings are coming.


Thankyou for sharing such a  positive experience.





Posts: 46
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Trusted Member     Blackwood , New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Thank you so much Angela you are so very welcome I have another story I will post tomorrow 


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