Make a new friend in the crossdressing community

Dear Readers,

When I first started my transgender journey I didn’t know where to turn, what to do and how to deal with the conflicting emotions inside of me. I struggled for many years – afraid, lonely and scared. I was lucky to come across a loving couple who drove 200 miles to meet with me. To be the first people I ever told my deepest darkest secret: I was a crossdresser. Thanks to that couple I found my own crossdressing community.

They introduced me to other people who become my friends, and who walked with me on my transgender journey. Friends who counseled me when I told my wife to be I was a crossdresser, who held my tears years later when I knew I needed to transition, and who were at my side when I had my surgery.

Looking back, those friends changed my life. They allowed me to be my true self.

Join the Crossdresser Heaven Community and find your friends.

A Crossdressing Community to feel at home

Everyone deserves to find a friend who understands

Have you found a friend you can confide in? Have you found someone to share in your laughter, to model your latest outfit to, someone who will be there for you when times get tough?

I’m excited today to announce the official launch of the Crossdresser Heaven Community.

Here you’ll find a safe, supportive environment to discover your inner woman. You’ll join a complete transgender community. You get a profile you can customize, access to the private Crossdresser Heaven social network, messaging and multiple forums for discussion.

Join the Crossdresser Heaven Community today!

The transgender journey can be long and lonely, join to find a friend to share your burdens and laugh in your joys. I look forward to getting to know you.


En Femme Style

“Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.”
-Bill Watterson

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I’m passionate about creating a safe space for everyone in the transgender community to find laughter and friendship on their journey. I completed my physical transition in 2011 and through it I lost everything, and gained everything. I am blessed that I was forced to gaze inward and embark on the journey to discover and live my authentic self. My deepest wish is that all who wander here may find peace, happiness and freedom.

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Jamie' class='avatar avatar-64 photo' height='64' width='64' />
8 years ago

Every day I wish I could have been born a female and could have had a true female lesbian girlfriend I have no interest in men only in women that is one reason to be the woman I want to be.Thank you for a great place to be able to be the woman I wanted to be.

8 years ago

Hello again, Like so many , I’d like to meet a female that is O.K. with a male who enjoys wearing silky lingerie. I don’t even know ‘where" to begin looking for someone like that. I live on the east side of Dallas, Tx, without a car (totaled in 2014) & can’t afford another one, plus the fact that I’m a ‘Closet Lingerie Dresser’, and EXTREMELY SHY. I’m ‘new’ to this site and really ‘dislike’ using computers ( born in 1950 is the Main Reason that I just “LOVE" all the lingerie that the girls/women wore when I ‘hit’ puberty.… Read more »

stacey s
8 years ago

Hello Girls and hope you are all well this day! I, have crossed dressed for most of my life. I have also have had sex with both men and women . I have been married twice and divorced twice not because of my cross dressing either. Neither wives knew about my cross dressing except maybe for Halloween on occasion. Being a little older than most I have found that I enjoy my dressing for certain men and yes I prefer men and O love to dress sexy for them except I have not found the right one as of yet… Read more »

balasaheb dake
balasaheb dake
7 years ago

Good luck to you

7 years ago

I have enjoyed cross-dressing since childhood, but I doubt if my father would have accepted it if he’d known. I used to borrow clothes surreptitiously from my mother or sister and lie in my bed. Unfortunately, by bedroom didn’t have a lock, so other members of my family would come into my room. I couldn’t leave the bed as I was en-femme from the waist down. I have been through phases of buying lots of female clothes and then disposing of them to ‘kick the habit’, but a counsellor helped me accept who I am and allowed me to wear… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m a married 59 year old white male who loves to cross dress. No one would understand if they found out especially my wife. I’m in a sexless marriage and very frustrated. I really need advice and a friend.

World Mining
World Mining
6 years ago

I simply want to say I am all new to blogs and certainly enjoyed this blog site. Very likely I’m want to bookmark your website . You amazingly have great writings. With thanks for sharing your blog.

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