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13 years ago

Hmmm. I set up a femme identity on facebook and the facebook people sent me a message saying they believed it was a false account and so would I verify it. Its currently locked and I can’t get them to unlock it. facebook sucks!

Vanessa Law
Vanessa Law
13 years ago
Reply to  Tvjade

Arg! I know that sometimes Facebook will catch names they don’t believe the
name is real. I’d recommend trying a name more common to US/UK culture. It’s
a real challenge to find support when you aren’t able to use your femme name
on Facebook to connect with others.

13 years ago
Reply to  Vanessa Law

Hi Vanessa dear,

This is Susan Veronica and I moved to Seattle. Drop me a line, I have much to talk.

Ralph Kramden
Ralph Kramden
13 years ago

Vanessa, When I wanted to use FB to connect with other crossdressers a couple of years ago, I did all of those things and one more: I created a secondary logon account on my computer.  That way there is *never* a chance of my CD activity leaking from one browser to another, because all data is stored in an entirely separate logon account that my “regular" logon can’t even see.  When I want to surf crossdressing material, I log on with the secondary account and go to town.  Oh, and the one other layer of misdirection I used was when… Read more »

Vanessa Law
Vanessa Law
13 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Kramden

Good job on taking a robust set of precautions dear! It’s best that you’re
in control of who and how finds out about this part of your life.


Kaitlyn Pari (Atlantic Princess)
Active Member
Reply to  Ralph Kramden

What I had hoped would be a way to connect with other heterosexual, non-transition, preferably married and/or Christian crossdressers… this is exactly what I seek as well. Not that I don’t mind learning new things but I prefer the heart felt emotional things that tug my tender heart.

10 years ago

best way to keep facebook and others out of your life is just to have nothing to do with a web site that snoopes into your hard drive.


10 years ago

Thanks for these suggestions. I don’t click like anymore, because I know friends will see it, and I don’t want everyone knowing my secret yet. It is good to know about that other way of posting comments that are only on the site, I’ll remember that.

Jennifer Leigh Jones
Jennifer Leigh Jones
10 years ago

Couldn’t agree more with what @Loni Smith said. If you’re on Facebook or use Google, there is NO privacy, only an illusion of it, pretty much no matter what you do. I refuse to even have a Facebook account or use Internet Explorer. I use all kinds of blocking and privacy add-ons for Firefox (Better Privacy, Ghostery, Self-Destructing Cookies, etc.) and opt out of Google ads, etc. Even at that, I know there is no such thing as Internet privacy, but these steps at least make it harder for a casual snoop.

Jennifer Leigh
Jennifer Leigh
10 years ago

@Rachel Gauvin Cramden – That is a pretty small demographic, but one that I’m in so there are at least two of us (except I’m no longer married after 18 happy years with the love of my life). I’d actually love to be transitional, but unfortunately was born 30 years too early and probably a foot too tall! So I made the best of the plumbing I had, tried to be ‘normal’ and to all appearances, live a ‘normal’ life. All I have to show for it at this point is old age, loneliness, unhappiness and regret. At least I… Read more »

10 years ago

My genes make it unlikely that I will ever be able to walk in public as a passable woman, but going back to a young age I remember liking the feel of wearing pantyhose, or random female acquaintance panties, and even dating a few girls that liked to dress me up in their clothes while I protested so they wouldn’t know how much I liked it. I’ve just started crossdressing, I don’t have anything more than a few pieces of lingerie right now. I’m hoping that as I meet people in similar situations that I’ll be more comfortable in my… Read more »

Dawn Judson
Active Member
1 year ago

Thanks, Vanessa! I’m not very sophisticated when it comes to internet intricacies, but I have a separate email account, for myself, on the same browser as his email. And I have a separate FB page. I’ve had them for several years & have never had an issue that caused me to be outed. Have I done enough to safeguard my secret identity?

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