Transgender Facial Feminization Surgery

It’s been two weeks since my facial feminization surgery and I just wanted to drop a quick note to readers of Crossdresser Heaven to let you know that I’m okay. I sincerely appreciate all the good wishes, thoughts and prayers from you dear ladies during this time.

My surgery went well, but the road to recovery is still long. The bruising on my face is subsiding, but I’m still fairly swollen and I’m usually worn out after something as simple as going out to eat for lunch or driving to the grocery store.

I’m trying to write down as much as I’m able, so I can remember the experience and share thoughts and advice with those who are about to embark on this journey, but to be honest right now my energy levels are too low even for such a modest undertaking.

Blessings and thanks, I hope to write again soon.

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I’m passionate about creating a safe space for everyone in the transgender community to find laughter and friendship on their journey. I completed my physical transition in 2011 and through it I lost everything, and gained everything. I am blessed that I was forced to gaze inward and embark on the journey to discover and live my authentic self. My deepest wish is that all who wander here may find peace, happiness and freedom.

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SharonCD Michigan
2 years ago

Just thinking about you and your journey. The things you went through and gave up for this moment in time. I look at my own journey, pain, dishonesty, loneliness and my heart is sad… but you are strong and figured it out. You go girl! Make us proud. Love CDH

Last edited 2 years ago by SharonCD Michigan
Kerri Smith
Noble Member
1 year ago

Thanks so much for describing your progress for us. You are so brave for having this surgery and continuing your journey. I would love to follow you but family ties hold me back.

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