Crossdressing is an incurable disease

Search the Internet for “cure crossdressing”, and you’ll find a plethora of web pages telling you that there is no cure for crossdressing. They’ll have this statement in bold, italics, capitalized, as if it were some golden truth to center your life on.

The next thing they’ll do is lambaste anyone for suggesting that it is something that needs curing (surely only diseases need curing?!). I’ll address the second point in a later post. As you can see by my previous post I don’t believe that crossdressing is ‘evil’, ‘wrong’, ‘sin’, or anything of that nature. These judgments are distracting and only serve to allow one group of people to feel superior to another, and cover over flaws they perceive in themselves.

I’ll tackle the question of being ‘incurable’ first.

We have a mistaken notion that because we do not know how something is cured, that it is not possible for there to be a cure. You hear stories every week of people who have been cured from cancer without undergoing any treatment, and often just months after the doctor diagnosed them.

En Femme Style

Hold on, isn’t cancer ‘incurable’? Or at best there is some chance that the treatment we give (chemo) could facilitate a cure (with no guarantees). How then , could these people be cured without any treatment?!
I don’t know how, but I do know that it happened.

If you are a Christian, I have another challenge for you.
Jesus healed the blind man, and he could see again.
Jesus healed the lame man, and he could walk again.
Jesus told us (John 14:12) that we would do even greater things than this if we have faith in Him.
How trivial it must be for Him to cure crossdressing.

Yet in all our ‘wisdom’ and power we prevent this cure. We have more faith in the incurable nature of crossdressing than we do in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Jesus told us (Matt 17:20) that even faith as small as a tiny seed will allow us to move mountains.
It seems it will take much less faith than that for us to cure crossdressing.
So what can you do right now?

If you believe a cure to crossdressing is right for you (see post below):
1. Ask God to cure you
2. Believe that you are being cured
3. Picture who you will be when you are cured (don’t think ‘not a crossdresser’, bring to mind those qualities of your masculinity you’ll treasure when you’re no longer a crossdresser).
4. See yourself as this person. Be this person.
5. Give thanks to God for your new life. Receive the healing.

It may take a while for the cure to manifest itself in your life. Maybe weeks, or months. Continue picturing yourself as the person you’ll be when you are cured. Continue giving thanks to God for your new life.
Don’t keep asking to be cured, you’ve asked once, just believe that you’re receiving the cure. If you keep asking, you’re expressing doubt that you’re actually being cured.

If you need encouragement or support, please leave a comment.

En Femme Style

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I’m passionate about creating a safe space for everyone in the transgender community to find laughter and friendship on their journey. I completed my physical transition in 2011 and through it I lost everything, and gained everything. I am blessed that I was forced to gaze inward and embark on the journey to discover and live my authentic self. My deepest wish is that all who wander here may find peace, happiness and freedom.

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5 months ago

@Vanessa Law kiss my ass

2 days ago

OMG you are who you are, get over yourself and accept who and what you are and quit quilt tripping yourself. WE are no better or worse than anybody else in this world.

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