As a high school student, girls were always on my mind. However, I was terribly awkward around them. I place part of the blame on my mother who in junior high, when asked to buy me a required athletic supporter for gym class, replied “Freddy, you don’t have anything to support!” Well, that was painfully obvious to me who changed clothes in the locker room with the other guys, but didn’t need the positive enforcement from mom.

In any case, it seemed like my primary goal in high school was to go to the library and look for opportunities to see girls in their skirts and hope to get a lucky glimpse up their skirts of stocking tops, garter belt straps (oh God!), or the exciting peek of a lace slip. My excitement was often rewarded, and I just loved, loved, loved girls!

I rode a school bus to school and a particular girl caught my eye. Marcia was short, just a little plump, and wore skirts that were a little too short for her body style. but she wore nylon stockings which drove me crazy. I would always try and position myself in a seat where, if I were really lucky, I could get a look at those gorgeous legs. She lived close to me, and I had been admiring her for some time. She noticed my attention and would at first just smile and say hello, but eventually understood that she had a bit of a hold on me. As the bus would slowly empty of students, we were free to move around to other seats. One afternoon she moved to a seat that was diagonal to me and gave me a wonderful leg shot. I felt like a drooling puppy when she said, “What are looking at nosy?” I was tongue tied and did not reply. Then she got up and moved into the seat behind me and that is when I did the bravest thing I have ever done in my life.

My heart was pounding. It was just Marcia and I, and the bus driver who occasionally would look at us in the rear-view mirror. I crossed the Rubicon. I slowly lowered my arm over the seat and touched her stocking clad knee. It was electric. I was so scared but thrilled at my bravery. Marcia did nothing to discourage me and when it got time for me to exit the bus, I walked painfully up the aisle with my notebook hiding the excitement in my loins. As the bus pulled away the sight of Marcia smiling broadly out the window marked a major change in my life. In the weeks ahead we would repeat the exercise and for many years after Marcia would haunt my dreams in the best way.


As I got older, I realized that my attraction to girls was a bit conflicted. I really liked girls, but I came to know that I was just as attracted to their clothes. An encounter with a pair of pink panties before the age of ten planted a seed in me that would never go away. Like many crossdressers, my first foray into wearing panties was taking a pair of my sister’s panties and locking myself in the bathroom and slowly pulling them up my legs, enjoying the confusing thrill, and then quickly taking them off and replacing them in the laundry basket.

Opportunities to wear panties were few and far between, but as I began dating and got into serious relationships with girlfriends and then with my spouse those opportunities increased. I became aware of both the “visual” and the “tactile” elements of my attraction to lingerie. The look and the feel of the garments on my body keep me hooked. I love them on my wife, but I love them on me more! And to be honest, I admire them on other crossdressers.
Lord help me!

Thank you all for taking the time to read my article. I look forward to hearing your responses!
Sincerely, Feliz



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Feliz Femme38

Mature CD who enjoys wearing feminine things in the privacy of my bedroom - nighties, garterbelts, stockings, bras, panties. Occasionally wear a bra and panties under my guy clothes to restaurants or run errands.

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Beth Green
1 year ago

I feel like you wrote my story! Touching a girls nylon clad leg was the highlight of my early teen life. Heck, it still is a thrill! Panties and nylons are the fuel of cross dressing, we obsess over their look, feel and style. Our stash is ever growing as we feed our obsession.
Currently I am dying for warmer weather so I can dress in wonderful sheer nylons and pretty panties. Of course they are on me now but buried under layers of winter clothes. Still the feeling of them is with me and it is good.

Lucinda Hawkns
Trusted Member
1 year ago

well said i love the feeling of nylons and dresses. i love the look when i dress up in a dress and nylons and bra. i was hooked way back in school for a school play had to wear tights for the play. from there i wanted to try on more. then my cross dressing want away for i joined the service, then came back when i got back. i started to buy my own panties and pad and nylons, then from there it was dresses and perfume. i under dress ever day i get out of bed just like… Read more »

Tonya Johnson
Trusted Member
1 year ago

Great article. I too love the feeling of nylons and dresses. I just love the look when i dress up in a short dress, nylons and a bra. I currently underdress with nylons every day.

❤️ Tonya

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonya Johnson
1 year ago

I know exactly what you mean i felt always the same and all the feelings of lingerie It was such a draw I came out once but was not accepted so I share it alone but I am far more comfortable and confident with myself because of it. I have been dressing for over fifty years so thank you for putting my feelings into words

1 year ago
Reply to  Feliz Femme38

It is I picked up a couple of very nice camisole today
Now I am relaxing and enjoying the feeling of them on my skin in herls and t shirt

1 year ago
Reply to  Feliz Femme38

Yes it is

Stephie Terrill
Active Member
1 year ago

Oh Feliz! I loved your story! We are so alike! Similar desires and fantasies. Similar fascination with femininity. I want all of those girlie things, too! Eager to share more with you. We both know the ‘special pleasures’ of being a gurl, don’t we!

Trace Whitaquer
Active Member
1 year ago

I love your story, Feliz! I could certainly relate to what you wrote. But at that age I was way too shy to even think of touching another girl’s legs. And I was so excited about panties, I didn’t really think about nylons or bras or anything else. That certainly changed as I got older. Looking back now, I missed so many opportunities! Pleasant memories, though ….

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