Whilst (warm late autumn weather permitting) , allowed lots of under-dressing, both day and night, with the lockdown causing all activities by the charity for which Caty volunteers to cease, of course, no more overnight trips and therefore no chance to get fully glammed up.
Down here in Victoria, “Oz”, the travel restrictions were eased as of May 28, so I promptly organized an overnight trip for Thursday 4 June. Charity business was promptly concluded early that afternoon. Having unpacked before the above meeting, I was soon back in my room and ready for Caty to emerge. I booked for two nights, that way no rush to leave next day.
First problem…. The hot water service in the room was barely working. I was in and out of that shower VERY quickly. A room shift would have eaten into my Caty time too much, so for hot water, when required, I boiled the (small) jug—more on that one later.
The best part… The slow transformation from a gnarly old “geezer” to Ms. Catherine Louise Ryan, (at your service)… Estee Lauder “Beautiful” dusting powder, then the “tuck”, breast forms on and adhered and then the lingerie. That first application of foundation always gives me a real buzz, “Bye bye old geezer,” here comes Caty!
Make up completed, “ELB” perfume and jewelry on, time for an event I’d been waiting to experience for ages. I have had a human hair brunette wig for years and it was not quite “me”. So my wonderful makeup artist and hairdresser, Fran recoloured and styled it for me. As soon as I put it on I knew it made a “new me”
My lovely CDH friend Dani and I engaged in a lot of “by-play” over the fact I was able to purchase a gorgeous Simone Perele body suit for A$20.00. They normally retail for north of A$150.00. I wore it for my first lot of photos along with my Ginia silk dressing gown and of course the “obligatory” stockings and heels.
For me, at least, the one big flaw in these photos is a “below the navel wardrobe malfunction.” Sadly, the lovely nude coloured “SP suit” has had a pair of “black panties” imposed over same.
Almost on dinner time I realized that my “BYO” instant coffee was still in my car outside the motel room. No bother, I’ll get dressed proper after dinner and out to the car I’ll go. Now for someone who has no qualms about going shopping/dining as Caty, when I first poked my nose out the door there was a man sitting outside his room directly opposite. I just slammed the door and waited until he departed.
When I finally went out to my car, I promptly ran into a food delivery guy who asked for directions to a certain room. It was dark, but he must have got a bit of a shock when what looked like this well dressed middle aged lady, came out with “Dunno, (don’t know) mate” and hot heeled it back into her room.
Post dinner it was into my lovely silky femme pj’s and of course sleeping with forms attached and braless is one of the most “femme” things we CD’s can do and it always feels great to be half asleep and turn over and feel your arms brush up against your very own breasts.
“Pumpkin time” arrived mid morning and that’s when the hot water service issue arose again. When it’s time to change back, I really love a “femme shower.” Forms still on, shower cap over my hair and just relax in the warmth of the shower. I also enjoy the seeing my lingerie hanging on clothes hooks in the bathroom—just as a “GG” would do.
Sadly, it was boil the jug again (twice) and using makeup remover and a face washer (with the force of a good belt sander) to remove the makeup. It was back into (underdressed) drab.
The drive home (via my storage unit) was uneventful, and it was nice to have a collapsible dryer full of dry Caty’s “smalls” waiting for me on arrival at the unit. I had become a bit tired of the musty drying clothes smell in there and purchased an air freshener. Given that it had been running for two days, the whole corridor where my unit is located was subsequently refreshed!
The first weekend in June in Victoria is a long weekend; Monday a public holiday. Lo and behold on Sunday, my beloved decided that a day trip to her niece’s house was in order. This coincided with one of my “cooking days.” So what’s a girl to do if she knows she has at least five hours alone?
I therefore give you “Caty the Cook.” A huge pot of mince meat and veggies, which gets broken down into frozen meals for two with either rice or pasta, was in order. I was into my “housewife rig” within 15 minutes of my beloved’s departure and got all my cooking done and changed back with plenty of time to spare before she got home. No makeup, so “company policy” dictates blacked eyes!!
Thus from Thursday lunchtime until Sunday afternoon, there were barely 36 hours between “proper dressing sessions.” I’m not even counting sleeping or under-dressing, 24/7 in between.
Happy dressing.
Caty Ryan
More Articles by Caty Ryan
- A CD “Daily Double” Bra Fitting and Dinner out, Part 2
- A CD “Daily Double” Bra Fitting and Dinner out
- Bra Shopping “My Cups runneth over!”
- Nighty Night Nightie!!
- Domesti(Caty)ed

Caty Ryan

Latest posts by Caty Ryan (see all)
- A CD “Daily Double” Bra Fitting and Dinner out, Part 2 - June 30, 2023
- A CD “Daily Double” Bra Fitting and Dinner out - June 7, 2023
- Bra Shopping “My Cups runneth over!” - July 8, 2022
- Nighty Night Nightie!! - June 13, 2021
- Domesti(Caty)ed - April 15, 2021
Well Caty that was an exciting weekend with a lot of rushed adrenalin and fun
Great story Caty always love reading them, When comrade Dan opens up the state again we should be able to catch up
Hugs Paula